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Like most politicians, French President Emmanuel Macron seems to enjoy pressing the flesh and posing for selfies when on public outings.


Just don’t call him by a nickname.


A cheeky teen who dared greet him with a breezy “How’s it going, Manu” during an official outing near Paris on Monday was left red-faced after receiving a sharp dressing-down from the 40-year-old centrist.


“No, you can’t do that, no, no, no, no,” Macron told the youngster who was waiting with a group of schoolfriends to meet him during his visit to the Mont Valerien fort near Paris, where hundreds of French Resistance members were executed during the second world war.

“不,你不能那样叫我,不,不,不,不。”马克龙访问巴黎附近的Mont Valerien堡的时候,告诉那个正在和一群校友一起迎接他的年轻人。该地址是第二次世界大战期间数百名法国抵抗成员被处决的坐在地。

“Sorry, Mr President,” the teenager said, looking abashed.


But Macron did not let matters rest there. Admonishing the junior high school student, he said: “You’re here, at an official ceremony and you should behave. You can play the fool but today it’s the Marseillaise, the Chant des Partisans [French Resistance song], so you call me ‘Mister President’ or ‘sir’. Ok? There you go.”


Macron told the teen, who had begun by singing a few lines from the Socialist anthem The Internationale – a dig at the president’s pro-business reforms – to “do things in the right order”.

当这位青少年正开始唱社会主义歌曲《国际歌》没几句 - 意思是对总统的亲商改革的嘲讽,马克龙就对他说,“要按照正确的方式做事”。

“The day you want to start a revolution you study first in order to obtain a degree and feed yourself, ok? And then you can lecture others,” he said.


The exchange, which was captured on camera, was widely shared on social media.


It comes as Macron – who adopted a regal, top-down style on taking office – himself faces criticism for his at-times blunt language.


In an official video shared by his office last week he complained that the French were spending a “crazy amount of dough” on social security.


Macron’s critics held the video up as evidence that the man they call the “president of the rich” lacked empathy with the poor.
