

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网 Unit 14 Freedom fighters
[00:07.52]2 The song about John Brown is one of the most famous songs in America
[00:14.97]and is still sung by American soldiers.study the song below and sing along.
[00:23.33]John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave,But his soul goes marching on...
[01:32.26]阅读  我有一个梦想
[01:34.64]In the summer of 1963 Martin Luther King,Jr
[01:40.70]gave a speech to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC,
[01:47.15]the capital of the USA.His speech-
[01:52.20]"I Have a Dream'-made him famous all over the world.
[01:57.76]At that time in the southern states,blacks were not treated as equal citizens.
[02:04.24]Although slavery ended in the USA in 1865,
[02:09.80]almost a hundred years before,
[02:13.46]the South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites.
[02:19.62]Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law.
[02:23.78]There were separate sections for blacks in shops,
[02:28.82]restaurants,hospitals and no buses and trains.
[02:34.78]Often blacks were not allowed into hotels,schools or libraries at all.
[02:41.33]Black children were educated in separate schools,
[02:45.88]and black people had no right to vote in the southern states.
[02:50.92]King fought for political rights for black people in the USA.
[02:56.56]By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.
[03:02.02]His message was that black people should not be separated
[03:07.38]but school be treated with respect in same way as other people.
[03:12.84]Born in 1929,King went to university when he fifteen.
[03:19.60]Winning a scholarshio gave him the chance to go to a college
[03:24.96]in one of the northern states,
[03:28.51]where black people had equal rights and were free to live,
[03:33.86]study and work as they wished.
[03:37.70]All his life he belived that it was right and necessary
[03:43.35]to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights.
[03:50.19]He believed that he could achieve that goal by peaceful actions,not by violence.
[03:56.96]On December 1,1955,Rosa Parks,a black woman,
[04:03.91]got on a bus in Alabama and sat down in the "Whites-only"section.
[04:10.75]She refused to stand up for a white man and was arrested by the police.
[04:16.71]King led a boycott of the bus company.
[04:20.65]For 381 days,black people refused to take the city buses.
[04:27.42]In the end the government lawyers in the capital
[04:32.17]said that the bus company was wrong to separate blacks from whites.
[04:37.73]Winning this case gave King national attention.