
新概念英语第三册课文和笔记第60课:Too early and too late


in civilized society == in modern society
necessary == essential
背熟:Eg:Mania is a habit we develop for a long time which is harmless.

bring sth. to conclusion: 做出结论

L60-02 end 13’35”

L60-03 begin 14’41”

背熟:Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in state of chaos.

Everything would be in confusion / a state of chaos / disorder

Eg: Hard work is our necessity to study English.
Without it, we could not get any success. / nothing would be complete.


背熟:In ordinary living, there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.
in ordinary living == in our dily life
tolerance = the state to tolerate something terrible.

Nothing can be worse than this.
No forms of transport could be faster than airplane.

punctual --> unpunctual; punctuality --> unpunctuality

背熟:has everything coordinated and organized for the matter in hand.

keep sb. occupied

cut things fine 把时间安排得不留余地;掐钟点

do sth. before doing

be tempted to do特别想要做某事
be eager / anxious / desperate to do

L60-03 end 14’41”
Lesson60A end 36:00

Lesson60B begin 42:40
L60-04 begin 12’30”

prefer to do
would like to do
would rather / sooner do
would prefer to do
Eg: I can’t resist the temptation to buy the beautiful dress.
I’m quite / particularly tempted to buy the buautiful dress.

descent: 降临
Eg: Darkness descented very soon.

on time--> keep punctuality

Some people can be forgiven because of what they do even though they are unpunctual.

背熟:The over-punctual can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual.

nuisance --> trial

背熟:The only thing to do was ask them to come half an hour later than the other guests.
Eg: The only thing to do is help you in this way.
My job is teaching. / My job is to teach.
Eg: The only thing to do is help you in this way.
What I want you to do is help me.

Paragraph 2
What does the writer aim at?
He just wants to illustrate to show that punctuality is quite important.
The over-punctual is as irritating as the unpunctual, but on some occasions, we’d better keep over-punctuality.

L60-04 end 12’30”

L60-05 begin 15’11”

mean doing sth.
