

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hearthree or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices markedA, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with asingle line through the centre.

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  16. A. She inherited her family ice-cream business in Billings.

  B. She loved the ice-cream business more than teaching primary school.

  C. She started an ice-cream business to finance her daughter's education.

  D. She wanted to have an ice-cream truck when she was a little girl.

  17. A. To preserve a tradition.

  B. To amuse her daughter.

  C. To help local education.

  D. To make some extra money.

  18. A. To raise money for business expansion.

  B. To make her truck attractive to children.

  C. To allow poor kids to have ice-cream too.

  D. To teach kids the value of mutual support.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  19. A. The reasons for imposing taxes.

  B. The various services money can buy.

  C. The various burdens on ordinary citizens.

  D. The function of money in the modem world.

  20. A. Educating and training citizens.

  B. Improving public transportation.

  C. Protecting people's life and property.

  D. Building hospitals and public libraries.

  21. A. By asking for donations.

  B. By selling public lands.

  C. By selling government bonds.

  D. By exploiting natural resources.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  22. A. It is located at the center of the European continent.

  B. It relies on tourism as its chief source of revenues.

  C. It contains less than a square mile of land.

  D. It is surrounded by France on three sides.

  23. A. Its beauty is frequently mentioned in American media.

  B. Its ruler Prince Rainier married an American actress.

  C. It is where many American movies are shot.

  D. It is a favorite place Americans like to visit.

  24. A. Tobacco.

  B. Potatoes.

  C. Machinery.

  D. Clothing.

  25. A. European history.

  B. European geography.

  C. Small countries in Europe.

  D. Tourist attractions in Europe.