


for the sake of          为了…起见,看在…的份上

for any sake             好歹,无论如何

without sake            无缘无故,毫无理由

in sequence               依次,逐一

a sequence of           一系列…

in sequence of          按顺序

steer clear of            绕开,避开

steer by/past                    躲过,避开,绕过

steer for                    向…驶去;向…前进

have a stroke            中风

at a/one stroke                  一击,一下子,一举

a succession of                一连串的…,一阵…

in succession             连续地

suck knowledge into one’s mind            吸收知识

suck up              奉承,拍马屁

surplus population            过剩人口

surplus value             剩余价值

tackle sb. about/over sth.                 为某事与某人交涉

tackle to            劲头十足地开始工作

in view of          鉴于,考虑到

with a view to           为了,为的是

view...as           把…看作

an abundance of..             许多…

in abundance           丰富,充足

an appendix to the book           该书的附录

have one’s appendix out                切除阑尾

a batch of                   一批(组、群)

batch production             批量生产

bias against               偏见,成见

bias toward               偏听,偏爱