
新编六级听力练习 第275期


Passage Three
A. It has a personal style.
B. It sounds very familiar to our ears.
C. It is one whole style you cannot recognize.
D. It does not belong to any composer.
A. It combines different feelings together.
B. It can express some very confusing feelings.
C. It exaggerates some special feelings.
D. It expresses feelings in an appropriate way.
A. The newer the music is, the longer time it will last.
B. It is easy for music to gain a permanent status.
C. Good music always stands the test of time.
D. Good music needn't be tested by time.
A. Pop music's biggest test is the test of time.
B. Pop music's tunes do not have very clear styles.
C. Pop music may not express any important feeling at all.
D. Pop music may exaggerate some feelings.