
雅思IELTS 9分听力03

3. Listening 1.2. You will hear an executive coach discuss women in the work force. Before you listen you have some time to look at questions 5 to 8. Now as you listen answer questions 5 to 8.
In the 1980s two thirds of Australian women worked in clearcle and service space jobs, and earned less than 70 percent of male co-workers. These days most women still work in service industries but more are making it to the management level. Now 25 percent of managers are women and 30 percent of Australian businesses are now owned by women. However Australian women still earn on average 16,000 dollars less a year than men. Why? Part of the problem is that women earn damaging requires by acting in ways that stop them from reaching their full potential. Today I am going to talk to you about the most common mistakes career women make and how to avoid them. The 4 most common mistakes are: doing other people’s work expecting to be given what you want without asking for it; pretending office politics doesn’t exist and acting like a man and still being a woman. First let’s consider the final point, acting like a man. It’s all about integrity. If women act like they think a man would act they will never be as authentic in powerful as they could be as themselves women. Women don’t need to hide the fact that they are different from men. Women have different strength, values, behaviors, and skills from men. And less allows opportunities to balance the work environment. When women accept the differences and realize they don’t have to act like men. They will be able to meet men as equals in their business life. Now let’s consider the problem of doing other people’s work.
That is the ending of listening 1.2.