
2014年英语专业四级听力真题 新闻1


The family of Sarai Sierra, an American woman who went missing in Istanbul nearly two weeks ago,撒莱·塞拉,一位两周前在伊斯坦布尔走失的美国妇女,

is in mourning after learning that Turkish police found her body Saturday.的尸体本周六被警方发现后,她的家人陷入了沉痛的哀悼。

Turkish police found the woman's body near ancient stone walls in Istanbul's Sarayburnu district.土耳其警方在伊斯坦布尔市萨拉基里奥角的旧石墙旁边发现了该女士的尸体。

Police suspected she had been killed at another location.警方怀疑她是在其他地点被杀害。

Police told cnn's sister network cnn Turk that the body of the 33-year-old mother of two showed signs of stab wounds.警方告诉美国有线电视新闻网土耳其频道网站记者,这位33岁的两位孩子的母亲的尸体上又被刺伤的痕迹。

However, the police chief of Istanbul, Huseyin Capkin, said Sierra died from a blow to her head.然而,伊斯坦布尔市警察局长卡普金说塞拉的死因是头部受到重创。

Nine suspects had been detained in connection with the woman's disappearance and death.关于死者的失踪和死亡已经有九名嫌疑人被扣押。

Sierra's family and friends first sounded the alarm last week after she did not arrive on a return flight from Istanbul on January 22.塞拉的家人和朋友在她上周未能登上1月22日从伊斯坦布尔返还的飞机后首先报了警。