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英语专业四级听力听写训练 第104期:商业组织形式 Forms of Business Organizations


Forms of Business Organizations商业组织形式

Businesses are structured to meet different needs.企业的组织形式因需要的不同而不同。

One basic difference involves who is responsible for the business.其中最基本的一个差异在于谁负责这家企业;

Another involves how long the organization can stay in business.另一个差异是该组织能经营多久。

The simplest form of business is called an individual proprietorship.企业最简单的组织形式是个人独资企业:

The proprietor owns all the property of the business and is responsible for it.经营者拥有企业的所有权并全权对企业负责。

This means the proprietor receives all the profits,but must also pay all the debts of the business.Also, any legal action against an individual proprietorship is taken against the owner.所有者独占所有的盈利,但也需独力支付所有的债务以及承担对独资企业提出的任何法律诉讼。

The law recognizes no difference between the owner and the business.在法律上,个人独资企业的所有者与企业没有任何差别。

Another kind of business is the partnership.另一种形式是合资企业:

Two or more people go into business together.两个或两个以上的合伙人共同经营企业,

An agreement is usually needed to state how much of the partnership each person controls.合伙人必须订立合同说明各人的控股权。

They can end the partnership at any time.合伙关系可以在任何时候中断,

But partnerships and individual proprietorships exist only as long as the owners are alive.但只要所有人活着,合资公司和独资企业就一直存在。