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华尔街英语基础Lesson 9


39 So David’s coming back today!
40 And we’ll have a good teacher again. But where’s Heidi? I can’t see her here.
41 Perhaps she’s late.
42 Tell me what’s David like?
43 Oh, he’s very nice! You’ll like him, Juanita. He’s very sweet. He’s a complete gentleman.
44 Great.
45 Here he comes!
46 Welcome back, David!
47 Hello David, nice to see you again!
48 Good morning, my teacher.
49 Good morning, David. How’s your wife?
50 Sorry?
51 I mean, how’s Heidi? Isn’t she coming back to the class?
52 Perhaps she speaks English really well now. she has very good teacher!
53 No, er… in fact. Heidi’s still in Switzerland.
54 When’s she coming to Washdon? Or will you go back to Switzerland?
55 Well, no, er.. we’re not together any more. It’s over.
56 Oh, poor David! Are you very sad? Is your heart break…. Break…?
57 Broken, my heart is broken, yeah, it’s a real shame.
58 It’s so sad when one person is still in love, and the other person isn’t.
59 Yes, it’s very sad!
60 I know; why don’t we have a party? I’ll invite you all to my house. We can have a Japanese dinner, what do you think?
61 Yes, please! Great idea!
62 Will you come too, Juanita?
63 Yes, I think so. Thank you, Aiko.
64 How about you, Fritz?
65 Yes, thank you. But why must we eat Japanese food? Why don’t we eat German food?
66 German food is terrible! Horrible!
67 Alright, alright. I’m sorry. I won’t speak again.
68 I’m sure you will.
69 So let’s meet at my house tonight. I’ll give you the address. It’s 389 Garden Avenue, North 25. You get the number 25 bus from.