
决胜英语四级听力必备 unit13

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[00:02.90]1. W: What do you think you are doing. You shouldn't smoke in my room.
[00:09.25]M: Oh,I'm sorry,darling.I didn't think you'd mind.
[00:14.11]Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?
[00:20.95]2. W: I can call him if you like.
[00:25.21]Mr. Williams will give me a pain prescription over the phone.
[00:30.56]M: I'd appreciate that very much.
[00:34.30]Do you think that he'll still be in his office?
[00:38.45]Q: Whom will the woman want to call?
[00:43.60]3.W:Well,constable,I'm trying to get out of the window and Fred here is helping me.
[00:51.23]M: Why are you climbing through the window and not leaving by the front door?
[00:56.87]Q: What is the relationship between the man and woman?
[01:02.90]4. W: Listen,the heating is broken in my room.
[01:08.83]When are you going to come and fix it?
[01:12.80]M: I'm sorry to hear that,madam.
[01:16.25]I'll get someone right away.
[01:19.60]Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and woman?
[01:26.36]5. W: Have you a table for two?
[01:30.91]M: Yes,madam.This way,please.
[01:35.06]Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?
[01:41.30]6. M: Excuse me.
[01:45.56]Can you tell me how I'd find and article published last year in The New York Times?
[01:51.91]W: Index is dated, so you can just choose the volume for the period you're interested it
[01:58.96]and then check under title author or subject heading.
[02:04.71]But you can only read here,or you'll be fined.
[02:09.65]Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
[02:16.31]7. M: Make thirty copies for me and twenty copies for Mr.Brown.
[02:23.05]W: Certainly, sir.
[02:26.31]As soon as I make the final corrections on the original.
[02:31.35]Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
[02:37.91]8. W: I didn't break the window.
[02:42.06]It must have been somebody else.
[02:45.72]I was over there in the park.
[02:49.17]M: Oh,sure.Well,you'd better come with me.
[02:54.13]The judge will be very interested in your story.
[02:58.68]Q: Whom will the woman go to see?
[03:03.82]9. W: That seems more reasonable.
[03:08.19]I'll take two jin of each.
[03:12.13]M: Shall I wrap them together or separately?
[03:15.89]Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and woman?
[03:22.74]10. W: Excuse me for being late,Mr Smith.
[03:27.78]I was held up by the traffic.
[03:31.62]M: That's perfectly all right, Betty.
[03:35.56]Come in and take a seat.
[03:38.83]Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and woman?
[03:45.28]Section B  Passage One
[03:49.54]A pyramid is a very large structure with four side.
[03:55.08]Each side is shaped like a triangle.
[03:58.94]and the four sides merge to form a single point on top.
[04:04.30]Pyramids were built in many parts of the world.
[04:09.13]but the most famous are in Egypt.
[04:13.00]More than four thousand years ago.
[04:16.73]and Egyptian king, named Zoser had the first pyramid built.
[04:23.16]It was a burial tomb for him when he died.
[04:27.21]Zoser's Step Pyramid near Cairo was the world's first all-stone structure.
[04:34.86]Later kings built other pyramids.
[04:38.70]Every king wanted his tomb to be the best.But Khufu outdid them all.
[04:45.26]He had the largest Pyramid build. It is the Great Pyramid.
[04:50.80]The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet high today and it was once highed.
[04:57.93]Each of the sides of the pyramid is 755 feet long.
[05:04.09]It takes about twenty minutes to walk all the way around the pyramid.
[05:09.94]To build the Great Pyramid 100,000 men worked for twenty years.
[05:16.89]The Indians of central America and Mexico also built pyramid.
[05:22.14]These pyramids,however,have flat tops.
[05:26.50]They also have steps on the side.
[05:30.45]The pyramid of the sun near Mexico city is larger at the base than any Egyptian pyramid.
[05:37.61]11. Where are pyramids built?
[05:42.05]12. What was the earliest pyramid in the world?
[05:47.51]13. Where is the pyramid of the sun?
[05:52.47]14. What is as old as some of the pyramids in China?
[05:58.50]Passage Two
[06:01.77]Have you ever wondered how to get out of baby-sitting with your youngest brother or sister?
[06:08.40]Keep on thinking
[06:11.54]Maybe you can figure out a machine that will baby-sit for you.
[06:16.89]That's what a scientism. Dr.B.F.Skinner,has done.
[06:22.75]He has made a machine to look after babies.
[06:27.60]He calls this machine a "baby box.
[06:32.05]The baby box is about as big as a small bed.
[06:36.90]It is enclosed by glass on the sides and on top.
[06:42.05]The bottom of the box is like the floor of a small bed.
[06:47.51]It is always the same temperature in the box.
[06:52.26]This means that in winter the baby never needs extra clothes or cover.
[06:59.32]Because the baby doesn't have to wear heavy clothes.
[07:04.18]it can move around freely.
[07:08.02]In summer the baby never gets too hot.
[07:12.59]It is also less likely to get sick
[07:16.64]-- because there are no drafts in the box.
[07:20.87]In the box,the baby can't hear any outside noise.
[07:26.20]But you can always hear the baby if it cried.
[07:30.82]And taking care of the baby box is easy,too.
[07:35.76]to clean it,you just press a switch.
[07:39.70]The sheet on the bottom of the box rolls through until a clean sheet appears.
[07:46.05]To try out the baby box,Dr.Skinner uses it for his baby daughter.
[07:52.79]He says she likes it very much.
[07:56.66]She plays in the box and sleeps in it
[08:00.89]just as other children stay in small beds.
[08:06.32]She will use the baby box until she is about three years old.
[08:11.96]One question is think when she finally leaves the baby box
[08:18.00]how will she like our world of dirt and noise?
[08:22.65]15. What can you do by pressing a switch?
[08:27.72]16. In summer, why does the baby never get too hot?
[08:34.35]17. What does "baby-sit" probably mean?
[08:39.78]Passage Three
[08:43.13]Mr.Newton wasn't a genius,and he wasn't a foot
[08:48.27]he was absent-minder .
[08:51.93]One day he left work at the usual time,six o'clock.
[08:57.68]He felt very cold outside,and he didn't understand why but of course.
[09:04.84]He didn't have his coat -- it was in the office.
[09:10.37]He went back to the office and got his coat.
[09:14.53]On the way home he went to the club.
[09:18.18]He usually saw his friends there on Tuesday.
[09:22.44]That day he didn't see them.They weren't there.
[09:27.09]Then he remembered: It wasn't Tuesday; it was Wednesday!
[09:33.83]Mr.Newton arrived home at eight o'clock.
[09:38.30]and his family wasn't home. He waited,and he worried about them.
[09:43.84]He didn't eat.He wasn't hungry.
[09:47.99]Mr.Newton called a friend and told him:" My family isn't home.
[09:53.95]Then he remembered: The children play tennis on Wednesday.
[09:59.61]and their mother takes them to the park.
[10:03.25]Today isn't Tuesday; it's Wednesday.
[10:07.09]Mr.Newton wasn't worried then;he was hungry.
[10:11.63]He ate some bread,soup,meat,and potatoes,and he drank some milk.
[10:18.29]After supper he fell asleep.
[10:21.64]Later, Mr.Newton heard thieves enter the house.
[10:26.39]They didn't turn on the lights,and they didn't make much noise.