
新编四级听力练习 第328期


Test 9
Section A
11. W: You've sold your car. You don't need one?
M: Not really. I've never liked driving anyway. Now that we've moved to a place near the subway entrance, we can get about quite conveniently.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
解析:考查推理判断能力。关键在于听到女士说“你把车卖了”,可知男士以前有辆车,故D正确。男士之所以卖掉车是因为never liked driving,而且他现在已经moved to a place near the subway entrance,故A、B都不正确;至于C,对话中没有提到男士开车技术如何。

M: I'm going to drop my Information-science class. It means too early in the morning.
W: Is that really a good reason to drop the class, Tony?
Q: What does the woman mean?
解析:Tony打算drop(停修)一门功课,因为要起太早。而女士的反问“这是好理由吗?”说明她不赞成Tony的决定,而是认为Tony应该继续修读信息科学这门课,故A正确而B错误。对话中未提及另外的课程,故C不正确;D中的early in the morning属于原文干扰。