
初中英语广州版2A 01


[07:20.96]I hope you like this photograph of me with my school friends.
[07:28.03]I am the biggest girl.Can you see me?On the right is Sally.
[07:36.68]She is British and my best friend at school.
[07:42.04]She is the kindest person in the world.
[07:46.71]She is always happy to help everyone.
[07:52.46]Onthe left is Meihua.She is cleverer than me.
[07:59.93]I think she is the cleverest student in our class.
[08:05.86]There are some nice boys in our class,too.
[08:11.89]Li Lingshi is the best painter in the school.
[08:18.66]His paintings are very beautiful.
[08:24.12]One of the boys,Yingtian,is a very good swimmer.
[08:31.38]He practises every morning and night.
[08:37.44]He wants to be one of the best swimmers in the world.
[08:43.37]He is standing next to Yongxian,the tallest boy in the class.
[08:51.84]Li Deming is the boy on the right.
[08:58.18]He's very bad at doing morning exercises.
[09:04.14]He's worse at doing RE.,and the worse at sports!
[09:11.40]But he is one of the friendliest people in the class.
[09:17.57]We all like him a lot. Love, Annie.
[09:23.21]Lesson three
[09:27.34]new words and expression
[09:36.71]4.Listen to these sentences.Repeat them after your teacher.
[09:47.95]Think about three things a bath,two teeth and some maths.
[09:58.00]Then say these other words  mother, father and brother.
[10:06.47]4-1.listen and circle all the /?sounds
[10:16.52] and underline all the /?sounds
[10:21.98].Then repeat the sentences.
[10:26.14]My grandfather thinks the weather is better in the hills than at the sea.
[10:35.20]My grandmother thinks the best weather is usually
[10:42.15]on the third Thursday of every month.
[10:46.90]My mother thinks they are both right. What do you think?
[10:54.27]Lesson 4
[10:58.71]new words and expression
[11:18.36]1.Listen to the radio sports report and read it
[11:27.71]Say if the sentences are True or False.
[11:33.77]Circle T or F.
[11:39.33]Hello,everyone.Welcome to the'Sports Report'.
[12:02.37]This is Dai Fang speaking to you near the long jump,at Guangzhou Sports Stadium.
[12:10.63]Li Zhen is going to take his second jump.
[12:15.49]This second jump is always an important one.
[12:20.74]Will this be better than his first jump only 7.59 metres?
[12:27.40]That is his worst jump this year!
[12:31.55]Li Zhen is the best in Guangzhou at the long jump,
[12:36.72]but he doesn't look happy today.
[12:40.67]Now he is beginning his second jump.
[12:53.13]He always has a long, slow run at the beginning.Oh,no!
[13:00.29]The second jump is worse than his first one only 7.43 metres long.
[13:09.04]Li Zhen is taking his third and last jump.
[13:22.52]He is beginning his run.
[13:26.04]This is a faster beginning than the first and second jumps
[13:31.63]and Li Zhen is flying!
[13:35.76]This looks a good jump,better than the first and is it the best?
[13:42.89]This jump looks very, very long.
[13:47.65]They are measuring it again.Is it correct?
[13:52.92]Yes,7.99 metres!
[13:58.49]That's a very long jump!
[14:02.25]Li Zhen looks a very, very happy man!
[14:11.81]2.Read about some of Sally and Annie's favourite teachers.
[14:22.75]Circle the correct answers.
[14:26.91]Our English teacher is our class teacher, too.
[14:32.18]She is often the busiest teacher in the school,
[14:37.33]but she is the kindest teacher of them all.
[14:42.61]She gives us a lot of help and encouragement in our studies.
[14:48.35]'Try to speak English every day,'she always says.
[14:54.00]Mr Xu This teacher is the cleverest person in the school at maths.
[15:05.15]He can do every maths question in our books.
[15:11.21]He is older than the other teachers,but he is very nice.
[15:18.47]'Maths is easy,'he says,'but you must practise every day.That's important.'
[15:28.64]Miss Ma-Our Chinese teacher looks younger than the other teachers.