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3 你说地太多了,闭嘴!

You talk too much, shut up!

4 我想去法学院,那是我的梦想。

I want to go to law school, that's my dream.

5 我从没想过我会出国。

  I have never thought that I would go abroad.

6 晚饭后,他总是去散步。

  He always takes a walk after dinner.

7 我已经和他们都谈过了。

  I already talked to them all.

8 保罗从大厅走过来。

  Paul walked down the hall.

9 他的女儿都长的高。

  His daughters are all tall.

10 我们总是打仗,从没考虑过和平。

  We always fought and never thought about peace.

四 最喜欢的句子:

 1 这全是我的错,我非常抱歉,请原谅。

   It's all my fault, I'm awfully sorry, please forgive me.

 2 我的儿媳妇是个律师。

   My daught-in-law is an lawyer.


 1 抱歉,这么晚打电话给你,但是我真的得跟你谈一谈。

   I'm sorry for calling you this late, but I really have to     talk to you.

 2 差不多完成了。

   It's almost finished.

 3 我到的时候他已经走了。

   She had already gone when I arrived.


  1  talk    谈论

2  fault   过错

3  abroad  在国外

4  almost  几乎,差不多

5  already  已经

6  awful   糟糕的

7  caution  警告

8  broadcast 广播

9  small   小的

10 awkward  尴尬的