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经典祝贺二: Wedding Congratulations


[1] John and Mary, You have my warmest congratulations on this wonderful day. I am really very happy for you


[2] I have known John for about five years, and I have always been envious of‘嫉妒;羡慕’ his talent‘天才

;天资’and abilities‘能力;能耐’in many respects‘方面’.

[3] He is not merely a competent‘有能力的;能干的’ professional ‘职业的’in international trade; he is

exceptional‘异常的;特殊的’ in doing almost anything.

[4] Today, I have become even more envious of John, because he just got married to one of the most beautiful

brides in the world.

[5] But don’t let our envy bother‘烦扰;打扰’ you, John, because we want you to become the happiest

couple‘一对;一双’ in the world, and keep us envious of you two forever!

[6] Congratulations, and be happy! We all wish you the very best!




[1] 嗨!约翰,玛丽,在今天这个美妙的日子里我衷心地祝贺你们。我真为你俩感到高兴。

[2] 我认识约翰已经五年了,我一直嫉妒他在各个方面的才能。

[3] 他不仅是一位能干的外贸人才,而且在各个方面都很杰出。

[4] 今天我更嫉妒约翰了,因为他刚娶了世界上最美丽的新娘之一。

[5] 不过,别介意我们的嫉妒,因为我们希望你们是世界上最幸福的一对;并且请让我们永远嫉妒你们吧!

[6] 恭喜你们,祝你们愉快!我们大家祝你们幸福!