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新编大学英语听力3 unit8


[06:29.74]or any other liquid that helps the blockage of sinuses.
[06:34.85]Chicken soup contains compounds that stop the swelling which causes this problem.
[06:43.13]Scientists still don't know why chicken soup works, but they are sure that it does.
[06:51.48]They have also found that in order to be effective,
[06:56.30]the soup must be made with vegetables.
[07:01.27]Scientists think that it may be due to the presence
[07:06.35]of some healthful elements found in plants.
[07:12.04]Perhaps the best evidence for the effectiveness of chicken soup
[07:17.15]comes from the research of one scientist who found that
[07:22.33]chicken soup is rich in a chemical widely used in cold medicines.
[07:28.63]Thus, when your mother or grandmother
[07:32.99]tells you to eat chicken soup when you have a cold or flu,
[07:38.75]go ahead and enjoy it.
[07:42.42]You will be doing something worthwhile for your body as well as pleasing her.
[07:49.26]Exercise 2
[07:56.21]Listen to the passage again
[08:00.53]and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the tape.
[08:06.86]Exercise 3
[08:14.24]Listen to the passage for the third time
[08:18.96]and discuss in groups the following questions.
[08:24.36]1)What is the possible reason for the healthy effects of chicken soup?
[08:32.82]2)What do you usually do when you have a cold or flu?