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45. Tough Guys Do Dance p.301


    Not only is Thai boxing violent but it is also bloody. Yet it involves the arts of dance and music. It
is both ugly and beautiful at the same time. That's why it's so exciting to watch.
    Thai boxing was created by soldiers over five hundred years ago. The fighter use every part of their
bodies, especially their feet, knees and elbows to strike their opponents. Their deadly style has earned
them respect from other martial artists.
    Surprisingly, the fights start off with a graceful dance. The dance is in honor of the boxers' teachers.
There is even a small band which plays along with the dance and during the fight. So, who says tough guys
don't dance?

tough = rough 霸气十足的
bloody 血腥的
play around 玩耍,鬼混
I am involved in a big project right now, so I don't have much time.
We dance to music. 随着音乐跳舞     dance with sb
get down on your knees 下跪
mischievous = naughty 顽皮的
He is back on his fit. 身体复原,东山再起,...
Chinese martial artists  武术家
wristle 摔跤
start off = begin
graceful 反义 awkward
be in honor of sb  致敬