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BBC地道英语:A spanner in the works 扰乱


Helen: Oh hi Jen! 我现在正忙着修水管呢。

Jen: Fix the pipes? But you're not a plumber, you don't know anything about pipes!

Helen: I know, but the boss asked me – 他说让我赶快把水管修好。

Jen: Really? Are you sure that's what he said? It seems strange he'd ask you to turn your hand to plumbing.

Helen: I knew you'd say that, so I printed off his email to show you. Look it says: "关于这个项目- someone has thrown a spanner into the works – 我希望你解决这个问题"…

Jen: But Helen…

Helen: ….所以我在找这个 spanner 螺丝扳手!

Jen: Oh Helen, you shouldn't take it literally! In English, if someone throws a spanner into the works, it means they do something to spoil a plan or make it more complicated.

Helen: Oh… A spanner in the works… 那么这里没有一个真的扳手?

Jen: I don't think so… Let's hear some examples to help explain the phrase.

Helen: 原来 a spanner in the works 是一个比喻,用来形容什么事情出问题了或者是变得更复杂了。The boss said that someone had thrown a spanner in the works of our project…

Jen: He means that something has happened that will make the project more complicated. Perhaps you should talk to him to find out what the problem is before you start taking the building to pieces!

Helen: You're right. 我得要把这里收拾干净了。糟糕!I can't remember where all the pipes go!

Jen: Oh no! Well let's just try and fit them in as best we can.

V/O: Some time later…

Jen: Well the pipes are all in, but nothing's working. We're going to be in so much trouble.

Helen: We're not defeated yet. 靠后站!…

Jen: Helen… what are you doing with that huge spanner….

Helen: I'm throwing… it… into… the… works…

Helen: 我成功了! I did it!

Jen: You did! With a real life spanner in the works!