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CRI English Unit 48:A Baby Shower 新生儿派对



Part 3 At a Baby Shower 在新生儿派对上 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Tina: Hello, ladies! This is the first time for some of us to meet...
Sam: ...so we though we'd start the shower off with a few get-to-know-you games.
Tina: For the first one, we need the baby picture of yourself that we asked you to bring.
Sam: The goal is to guess as many people from their photos as possible, so make a list!
Tina: Since Sam is our token man today, everyone is sure to get at least one right!
Sam: The prize is a free manicure at the salon where Tina works!


1. baby shower开始了。Tina说首先要大家玩一个get-to-know-you的游戏,就是一个认识彼此的游戏,在baby shower上都会玩这类可以拉近宾客距离的小游戏。

2. start off 这个词组表示“开始进行某事”,比如说,It's impossible to stop him talking once he starts off. 他一打开话匣子就停不了。Don't start her off on one of her boring stories. 不要惹她说她那些无聊的故事。

3. Tina他们的玩法是每个人拿出一张自己婴儿时期的照片,然后大家从这些照片里猜出本人,越多越好,这倒是跟baby shower的主题很契合。Tina开玩笑地说,既然今天Sam是男性的出席代表,所以大家至少可以猜对一位。

4. token 的意思是“象征性的,仅有一点点的”,比如说,a token payment,就是指“象征性的支付”,Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我们的部队只受到表面上的抵抗。如果谁赢得的这个游戏,还有奖品,就是在Linda工作的美容院免费修指甲一次。manicure就是指“修指甲,美甲”。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Kelly: Linda, how is the pregnancy coming along? Is the little one kicking?
Linda: Boy, is he! This is week thirty-seven. I am so ready to give birth!
Kelly: I hear the last month's the hardest, girl. He's a boy? Congratulations!
Linda: Thanks! I keep having Braxton Hicks, so constantly I think I'm going into labor.
Kelly: No, seriously, do you have any stretch marks?
Linda: Not yet, knock on wood.


1. 对话中Kelly和Linda在聊怀孕以来的状况,pregnancy就是指“怀孕,怀孕的状态”,比如说,These drugs should not be taken during pregnancy. 这些药物在孕期内不能服用。She's had three pregnancies in four years. 她在四年中怀孕三次。

2. 形容词是pregnant,我们可以说,She's six months pregnant. 她那时已经怀有六个月的身孕了。还有一个习语大家也应该记住,就是a pregnant pause or a pregnant silence,表示“耐人寻味或者意味深长的停顿或沉默”。比如说,There was a pregnant pause before she answered my question. 她耐人寻味地停顿了一下才回答我的问题。

3. Kelly问Linda肚子里的小孩子有没有踢她,Linda说踢的可厉害呢,Boy, is he! 这里boy是一个感叹词,而倒装句is he就是起强调作用,正常的语序应该是Boy, he IS kicking!Linda已经怀孕37周了,就快临产了。give birth to sb表示“生孩子”,比如说,She gave birth to a healthy baby last night. 她昨天晚上生了一个健康的婴儿。

4. Kelly说怀孕的最后一个月是最困难的。她知道了Linda怀的是一个男孩,就对她表示祝贺。Linda一直有产前子宫收缩的症状,很频繁以至于她认为自己快要生了,labor在这里表示“分娩是的阵痛,阵痛期”,我们可以说,She began labor.她开始了阵痛期。She went into labor.她进入阵痛期。或者She was in labor. 她处于阵痛期。还有She had a difficult labor. 她难产。

5. Kelly又问Linda的肚子上有没有因为怀孕而撑出来的难看的纹路,Linda说还没有,不过她不想言之过早,就说knock on wood,敲敲木头。这是美国人的一种习惯,他们认为敲敲木头能避免不好的事情的发生,比如说Peter的电脑坏了,而你说,还好我的电脑没有坏过。不过,为了防止以后发生类似的事情,你这时就要说knock on wood而且一定要真的敲敲身边任何木制的东西。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

Linda: These baby booties are lovely. Ooh, contraction. (hears Sam scream) What was that?
Kelly: Sam probably hit his head on something in the kitchen. Open this one.
Linda: OK, it's from Tina - a stroller!
Kelly: Oh, that one will last for all your babies.
Linda: Kelly! We're only going to have ONE child!
Kelly: You'll change your mind, trust me. There's more. Open these.
Linda: Oh, I love it all.
Kelly: Here. This one's from Peter, Sam and me.
Linda: A baby sleep monitor system! I was holding off on buying this until after the shower.
Kelly: Well, now you can spend that money on something else. This is from Lisa.
Linda: Oh, she shouldn't have. Whoa...strong contraction!


1. 对话中,baby shower已经进行到最后阶段了,开始拆礼物。这时Linda突然感到阵痛了,就是contraction,分娩时阵发性的子宫收缩。不过还好,不是很严重。Linda拆开的第一份礼物是baby booties,婴儿的毛线袜子。

2. 还有Tina送的一个婴儿车,stroller,真是很实用啊。而Kelly, Peter和Sam合送的是一台婴儿睡眠控制系统,属于一款高科技的产品吧,而Linda正想买这么一个东西,这个礼物真是及时雨啊。hold off sth/doing sth这个词组表示“推迟某事物,推迟做某事”,比如说,Could you hold off making your decision until next week? 你能推迟到下周再做决定吗?

3. 现在Linda就不用买了,她可以把钱花在另外的必需品上面了。Linda正要拆开Lisa的礼物,突然感觉到强烈的阵痛,看来这次是真的了。

Part 4 Linda's Having a Baby  Linda临产了 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Sam: Please write some motherly advice in our mother's book, ladies!
Linda: Sam, thank you so much for organizing this all for me.
Sam: Well, it's not like we could let you do it yourself.
Linda: I know, but you guys made me feel so special. You even got candy diaper pin favors.
Sam: They fit our diaper theme - something you'll be expert on soon.
Linda: Whoa...maybe sooner than we think! Start timing!


1. 话中,baby shower不得不结束了,因为Linda临产了。Sam最后请大家在派对留言簿上留言,motherly,表示“母性的,母爱的”,比如说,motherly love, motherly affection,motherly care就都可以表示“母亲的疼爱,关怀”。

2. 在等救护车的空当,Linda感谢Sam花心思为她准备了这个baby shower,这些好朋友让Linda感到自己特别的幸福。他们还特意准备了尿布别针形的糖块,因为很切合这次baby shower的主题,而且生了孩子之后,Linda就会成为这方面的专家了,an expert on sth,表示“是某个方面的专家”。

3. 这时Linda的阵痛更强烈了,时间紧迫。timing的意思是“时间的选择或安排,时机的掌握”,比如说,He's not playing his shots well - his timing is faulty. 他没有打好,时间掌握不当。The timing of the announcement was rather unexpected. 选择那个时间公布结果真是出乎意料。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2

Sam: What an end to a baby shower!
Tina: Tell me about it. Sending the mother-to-be off to the hospital in labor!
Sam: We really should have the shower a little earlier next time.
Tina: Um...next time? Who else do we know that's having a baby?
Sam: No one. But who knows, in a year or so, maybe you...
Tina: ...will have a baby? Ah! I feel a thirtieth birthday crisis coming on!


1. baby shower 就这样结束了,Sam还有点意犹未尽的意思,Tina也是一样,她说,Tell me about it. 意思是“说的是啊。”跟You can say that again. 差不多。把准妈妈送到医院去生孩子,真够惊险的。

2. Sam说,下次记得要早一点举行这个baby shower,不要再出现类似的状况了。说到下一次,Tina不知道他们还有哪些朋友是要生孩子的。have a baby 也表示生孩子的意思。今天我们说到了三种表示“生孩子”的表达方式,可以说give birth to a baby,还有be in labor,还有 就是刚才说的have a baby。大家要注意总结。

3. 虽然现在还没有其他人要生孩子,不过也许再过个一两年,Tina就会有baby了,Tina一听到这个,就觉得好像自己30岁的生日就快到了似的,岁月催人老啊。