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CRI English Unit 49:A Tour to Paris I 快乐巴黎游(上)



Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

(They have just come out of Sacre Coeur)

Mark: (Yawns) Well, I thought that was going to be much more interesting.
Tina: Well, it's one of the newer churches. I bet you will like the stained glass in some of the others.
Mark: Too bad Marie had to work today. I bet she'd know a great place to grab lunch.
Tina: Before we eat, can we climb up to the top? We'll get a great view.
Mark: Climb? Why don't we just take a picture here and tell people we climbed.
Tina: Well, I'm going even if you don't.
Mark: OK, but I was serious about that picture.

Mark: Pardones-moi! (points to camera) You...us...a...photograph? Merci.
Woman: Your English is almost as bad as your French.
Mark: Oh, hah, you speak English. Could you take a picture of us?
Woman: Mais oui, but where do I press the button? 
Mark: Right here. And can you make sure you get the church in behind us?
Woman: You need to move a little to the right...and voila. Now, say "cheese!"
Mark: (To Tina as woman walks away) Boy. Parisians are so friendly.


1. 对话中Tina和Mark参观完圣心堂,在拍照留念。Mark觉得这个地方没什么意思,Tina说这还是最新式的教堂之一了。也许Mark会喜欢其他教堂的彩绘玻璃。stained glass就是“彩绘玻璃”。

2. I bet...这个用法表示“我敢说…”,常用在朋友之间的对话,一副笃定的语气说对方一定想怎么样,要是猜中了当然是可喜可贺,但是要是猜错了,也别觉得丢脸,反正是朋友嘛,说说笑笑又何妨呢?我们用一个对话来做例子,---I bet you want to come out to dinner with me tonight. ---Actually, I have other plans. ---我敢说你今晚想和我出来共进晚餐。---事实上,我有别的计划了。

3. Mark说太可惜了,他们的法国朋友Marie今天要工作,她一定知道吃午餐的好地方。grab lunch 就是指“吃午餐”,是比较随意的口语化说法,类似的用法还有grab a bite,表示“吃点东西,吃点零食”。Tina建议爬到圣心堂上面,这样可以看到很棒的风景,Mark一点也不感兴趣,问可不可以在外面拍张照片,然后告诉别人我们已经上去过了呢?

4. Tina可不管他,就算Mark不愿意上去,她也要自己上去。Mark无可奈何,只好陪Tina爬上去,不过他刚才说拍照可是认真的。他们从圣心堂下来后,Mark就招手拦住一位法国人帮他们拍照,还用他蹩脚的法语跟人家沟通。

5. 法语英语一块上了,Pardones-moi! (points to camera) You...us...a...photograph? Merci. Pardones-moi! 表示“不好意思”,相当于英语中的Excuse me。 Merci的意思是“谢谢”。还好那个法国人会说英语,要不然真的被他搞糊涂了。这个法国人还取笑Mark说,他的法语和英语一样差。

6. 法国人的说法是“Parisian”。这个法国人挺热情的,说Mais oui,相当于OK, sure. 意思就是“没问题”。Mark希望她能把教堂也拍进去。Mark他们再往右挪一点,就好了,...and voila这句话来自法语,意思是“好了”,是用来要人看某样东西或改变时的发语词。...and voila是用在“看着”某件事完成的时候,表示“看,这样就好了”。下次看着某件事做好了的时候,别忘了用...and voila这个表达方式。比如说,---Just put this program on your computer. --- ...and voila, the problem will be solved? ---只要把这个程序安装到你的电脑上就好了。---装好了,这样问题就解决了吗?

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

Marie: This is Le Petit Saint Benoit. It has been open for over a hundred years.
Mark: It seems so French. Ooh, tell me, Marie. Where are we going tonight?
Marie: Ah, but you are a party boy! I thought we could go to a local cafe.
Mark: Just a cafe? Can't we go to a high class club or something?
Marie: Oh, Mark. To get into such places, you must be much better dressed than we are.
Mark: Well, tomorrow we shop, and then, tomorrow night, we dance.
Marie: Pas de problem. And tonight, Tina, we boy-watch at the cafe.


1. 对话中Tina和Mark跟Marie碰面一起吃晚饭。他们来到了一家有百年历史的餐厅,Le Petit Saint Benoit 小圣贝诺餐厅,真的很有法国的感觉,It seems so French. 我们也可以模仿说It seems so Chinese.很有中国的味道,只要用国家的形容词形式就行了。

2. Mark对吃饭并不感兴趣,他想知道晚上他们去哪里happy。Marie说Mark是一个热衷夜生活的人,a party boy,这是一个俚语,我们当然也可以说a party girl。Marie建议大家晚上去一家本地的咖啡馆。

3. Mark一听就失望了,只是去一家咖啡馆阿,多没劲,就不能去高级俱乐部之类的地方吗?Marie说,如果要去这些地方,可是要打扮得很漂亮才行。Mark一听就有精神了,本来很讨厌购物的他打算明天就去逛街购物买衣服,晚上就可以去跳舞了。

4. Pas de problem. 没问题,相当于No problem. 那么今晚呢?Marie 和Tina打算去咖啡厅看帅哥,boy-watch,其实就是watch boys,也就是“看帅哥”的意思,当然“看美女”就是girl-watch了。

Dialogue Script 4  对话原文 4

Mark: Oh, I think I drank too much last night! 
Tina: I warned you. Time to get going, sleepyhead. We have a busy day today.
Mark: We're going shopping today?
Tina: Actually, no. Marie said she needs to work late tonight, so I thought we'd focus on sightseeing today.
Mark: You're not my friend.
Tina: Hah. Trust me, Mark. You will have a good time today.
Mark: Sure I will.

(The two start at the catacombs)

Tina: Now, aren't you glad I talked you into wearing walking shoes?
Mark: Yes, I am. Ah! Oh my god! This place is full of skulls.
Tina: The rest of the skeletons are here, too. This is, in a way, Paris' grand cemetery.
Mark: This is also, in a way, very creepy.
Tina: There are hundreds of years of dead people in there.
Mark: Hmm. Think we should take one of these skulls with us? It would make a great souvenir.


1. 对话中,Tina和Mark又来到了地下墓穴,地下通道,catacomb。昨天晚上Mark喝酒喝多了,早上起来头疼。Tina催促他,Time to get going. 该走了!这句话的意思其实就是和Time to go.是一样的,告诉别人该走了,或是到了出发的时间,就可以用这句话,轻松地提醒一下,比如说,---It's time to get going. ---I'll be ready in a minute. ---该走了。---一分钟就好。

2. sleepyhead就是指“贪睡的人”。Mark还以为今天大家要一起去逛街,但是Marie今晚还要工作到很晚,所以今天他们主要还是观光。focus on 表示“集中在...”,比如说,I'm so tired I can't focus on anything today. 今天我太累了,精神集中不起来。还有focus sth on sth,将…集中于…,比如说,Focus your minds on the following problem. 请集中考虑以下问题。

3. Mark一听今天又是景点观光,就不高兴了,还赌气说Tina真不够朋友。Tina只好哄他说,今天一定会让他高兴的。他们来到了地下墓穴,多亏Tina劝Mark穿上了运动鞋,要不然会被累死的。talk sb into doing sth这句话表示“说服某人做某事”,He talked his father into buying him a new car. 他说服他的父亲给他买一辆新车。

4. 那么有talk sb into doing sth,就会有talk sb out of doing sth,“说服某人不要做某事”,比如说,I tried to talk her out of going. 我尽量劝她不要去。他们现在所在的地下墓穴还挺恐怖的,到处都是骷髅头,skull就是指“头盖骨”,skeleton是“全身骨架”。原来从某种意义上说,这个地方就是巴黎的一个巨大墓穴。

5. 我们学过honestly speaking “老实说”,generally speaking“大致上来说”还有strictly speaking“严格来说”,现在我们又学了一个“以某种程度来说”,就是in a way。当你对一件事提出委婉的看法的时候,in a way就派上用场了。比如说,---How did you liked the scary movie? ---In a way, I liked it. ---你觉得恐怖片如何?---某种程度上来说,我挺喜欢的。

6. Mark觉得从某种意义上来说,这里面也挺吓人的,因为堆了好几百年的死人骨头。Mark建议说可以拿个头骨回去做纪念品,souvenir 指“旅游纪念品”,跟一般的present不太一样。