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CRI English Unit 50:A Tour to Paris II 快乐巴黎游(下)



Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

(The two are about to enter the Louvre)
Mark: I've never been so tired in my whole life. Maybe I'll just stay outside.
Tina: In this hot weather? Besides, you'll miss the Mona Lisa.
Mark: True. Alright. I'm going. But promise me we won't have to walk through this whole museum.
Tina: Well, maybe just the paintings and the sculptures. And, oh, yeah, the furniture collection.
Mark: We're going to be here forever.
Tina: (At the counter) Oh darn! The furniture collection is closed tonight.
Mark: (To himself) Somebody up there loves me.


1. 对话中,Tina 和Mark正准备进卢浮宫参观,Mark觉得很累,所以不想进去了,呆在外面等Tina就好了。卢浮宫是the Louvre,位于巴黎市中心塞纳河右岸,是世界三大博物馆之一,收藏品种达三十万件,达芬奇的巨作Mona Lisa 是卢浮宫三宝之一。 另外两个就是维那斯和胜利女神雕像。

2. Mark说他这一辈子都没有这么累过,连卢浮宫都不想进了,只想在外面休息。这样也太可惜了。Tina劝他说,外面天气很热,况且如果不进去的话就会错过观赏名画Mona Lisa的机会了。这里的besides是副词,表示“此外,而且”。

3. miss这里可不是表示“想念”,而是表示“错过”,比如说,I missed the first part of the movie. 我没看到电影的开头。He missed the 8.30 train. 他没赶上8点30分的火车。这里有一个习语大家要记住,就是miss the boat/bus,意思是“错过机会”,比如说,If we don't offer a good price for the house now, we'll probably miss the boat altogether. 这所房子如果我们现在不给个高价的话,可能就要失去机会了。

4. Mark也觉得不去欣赏Mona Lisa是挺可惜的。但是他让Tina承诺不用逛完整个博物馆,他的体力会吃不消。Tina说他们也许只看看绘画、雕刻就好了,还有家具展。Mark一听就要晕倒了,We're going to be here forever.我们要永远待在这里了。但是Tina却发现家具展今天晚上就关闭了,darn,在口语中表示“ 烦恼,不耐烦”等情绪,跟damn差不多。比如说,Darn it! She beat me again! 该死!她又赢了我。

5. Mark听见这个消息就高兴了,自言自语地说,Somebody up there loves me. 上帝爱我!somebody up there是指“上面的人”,那么有谁会在上面呢?当然是上帝了!所以Somebody up there loves me. 这句话就等于God loves me! 上帝保佑我!当幸运之神眷顾你的时候,你就可以说这句话。我们用一个对话来作例子,---How did you make so much money? --- Someday up there loves me. ---你怎么赚了这么多钱?---因为上帝眷顾我。当你逃过一劫,或者是好事情降临,为了表达心中的感激,也可以这么说,--- Someday up there loves me. ---I think you are successful because you work really hard. ---上帝爱我。---不,我认为你会成功是因为你确实很努力。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

(Last spot of the night, the Eiffel Tower)
Mark: I can't believe we are really here.
Tina: Here's your ticket. Should we walk up? Just joking. There are elevators.
Mark: (Later, standing at the top) Brrr, it is freezing up there. 
Tina: The wind feels like knives stabbing my skin.
Mark: Do you feel that? Oh my, I think it's an earthquake!
Tina: Mark, those are the vibrations from the wind. Think how high up we are.
Mark: Wow, that's strong. I'm an ice cube now. Gotta go back inside.
Tina: Me, too. But what an amazing view!


1. 现在Tina和Mark两个人来到了埃菲尔铁塔,他们都不敢相信自己真的见到了著名的埃菲尔铁塔,他们还买了登上铁塔的票。Tina知道Mark怕累,还开玩笑地说,我们要不要走上去?看到Mark脸色变了,赶紧说Just joking. 这句话完整了就是I was just joking.

2. 通往塔顶可以搭乘电梯,就是elevator。那么我们平常在商场看到的滚梯的英文说法是什么?可不是elevator,而是escalator,这两个词区分开。现在他们已经到了塔顶,由于埃菲尔铁塔很高,所以塔顶的温度很低,简直可以用寒风刺骨来形容,就是freezing,就像刀子刮在脸上一样。

3. 这时Mark好像感觉到有地震,还问Tina感觉到了没有,Tina提醒Mark说,这只是风吹铁塔造成的摇晃,因为他们在很高的地方。vibrations的意思是“震动,颤动”,比如说,Even at full speed, the ship's engines cause very little vibration. 这条船即使全速前进,发动机的震动也很小。看来在塔顶的风真是挺大的。

4. Mark已经开始抱怨了,风太大了,快把他冻成冰棍了,得赶快进去,gotta 就是have gotta do something 的缩写。Tina也感觉很冷了,不过她还真有点舍不得在塔顶看到的美妙景色。埃菲尔铁塔是他们在巴黎旅游的最后一站了。

Dialogue Script 4  对话原文 4 

Tina: Sho, sho! Wake up! We slept through our alamp3.
Mark: Wha...what time is it?
Tina: It's almost eleven o'clock. And I'm taking control of what we do today. Time to hit the shops!
Mark: OK. Do you know where you want to go?
Tina: Our guide book says Champs Elysees has everything. Amp3ani, Chanel, Versace, Cartier, you name it.

(at the Galeries Lafayette)

Tina: Mark, this place is beautiful! It looks like it's covered in gold.
Mark: I thought you would like it. This area is almost a hundred years old.
Tina: I'm going to take a picture of the two of us.
Mark: Don't want to get someone else to take that for us?
Tina: And waste valuable shopping time?
Mark: Hah! OK, I'll tell you what. You go, and I'll get us some of the tourist shopping discount cards I heard about.
Tina: Discount? I think you just said my magic word! I'm off!


1. 在巴黎的最后一天,他们会干些什么呢?当然是去Tina盼望已久的购物中心了。巴黎是世界时尚之都之一,当然也是购物的天堂了。Tina已经迫不及待了,一大早就把Mark叫醒,sleep through这个词组表示“不被...吵醒,继续睡。sleep through our alamp3是指“睡到超过闹钟响的时间”,也就是“睡过头了”。

2. 现在已经是中午11点多了,Tina说今天还是由她来决定行程,血拼的时间到了。血拼这个词大家都知道了,就是“大肆购物”的意思,也算是新出现的一个词吧,我估计就是根据shopping这个词译过来的,音译加意译。take control of something,这个词组的意思是“控制,掌控”。

3. Time to hit the shops. 该去商店了,血拼的时间到了。这里的hit是一个不太正式的用法,在口语中经常出现,表示“到达某地,在某地”,比如,When does the new show hit town? 这部新戏什么时候在城里演出?还有我们大家比较熟悉的,It's time to hit the road. 该出发了,该上路了。It's time to hit the sack. 该睡觉了。都是在口语当中经常出现的说法。

4. 那么应该去哪里购物呢?Tina在导游手册上看到在香谢丽舍大街上应有尽有,很多世界名牌商品都在这里汇集。香谢丽舍大街就是Champs Elysees,从协和广场到凯旋门全长1.8公里,是横贯巴黎最有特色、最繁华的街道之一。Tina还提到了很多名牌,比如说有意大利顶级服装品牌,Amp3ani,法国品牌 Channel,意大利品牌Versace等等。

5. 在这里你想买的东西都会买到,Tina说You name it. 这个句子是用来举例子用的,表示“等等,之类”的意思,以前我们也提到过。这里呢要把You name it. 和Just name a few.这两个句子比较一下。虽然两个句子的意思相同,但是You name it.却可以放在句首使用。比如说,---Where have you been in Asia?---You name it, I've been there.---你去过亚洲哪些地方?---你随便说个地方,我都去过。还有,---Where have you been in China?---Shanhai, Bejing, Nanjing, to just name a few places. ---你去过中国哪些地方?---上海、北京、南京,只是随便举几个例子。

6. 现在他们已经来到了Galeries Lafayette,老佛爷百货,是法国有名的百货公司。Tina觉得这个地方真是漂亮极了,看起来像是镶上了黄金一样。而且这个地方几乎有一百年的历史了。

7. Tina还想在这里拍照留念,Mark建议Tina自己去拍照,他去给Tina拿他曾经听说过的游客打折卡,就是the tourist shopping discount cards。Tina听了很高兴,I think you just said my magic word! 你真是说到我心坎里去了。magic word原来的意思是“咒语”,这里是指“某个人最喜欢听到的话”。

8. Tina高兴地跑去照相了,I'm off! 我这就去!I'm off!是一句很常见的口语,有“走了,出发啦”的意思,不管是用在迫不及待要出去血拼,还是要归心似箭地下班、放学,I'm off!都是一句很常用的话。比如说,---I'm off! ---See you tomorrow! ---我走了!---明天见!还有,---When are you coming back to work? ---I'm off till next week. ---你什么时候回来工作?---我要到下星期才会回来。