
经济学人下载:男性自杀 趋势令人堪忧


Male suicide

A worrying trend

Official suicide statistics released on February 19th contain disturbing news: suicide rates rose by 4% between 2012 and 2013, and the rise was due mainly to one group: men over 30. Rates were broadly flat among women, and among young men—often thought to be particularly at risk—suicide rates fell.

经济学人下载:男性自杀 趋势令人堪忧

Why are middle-aged men so susceptible? The recession hit working-age men especially hard in Western countries, where social and employment status are closely linked. A recent study in the Lancet, a journal, found strong ties between unemployment and suicide. Roger Webb and Navneet Kapur of theUniversity ofManchester say unemployment is only one contributing factor, however. Other aspects of the recession, such as falling income, “zero-hour” contracting and debt, may also be important.