
经济学人下载:一周要闻 中国驻外机构超美国 哥伦比亚罢工 新欧盟委员会就职


The world this week


China has 276 embassies and other diplomatic offices, more than any other country, according to the Lowy Institute, a think-tank. It passed America, which has 273, this year. France, Japan and Russia took the next three spots on the list.
根据智库洛伊研究所(Lowy Institute)的数据,中国有276个大使馆和其他外交机构,比其他任何国家都多。今年,中国的驻外机构以273所赶超美国。法国、日本和俄罗斯紧随其后。

The BJP chief minister of Maharashtra, India’s second- most-populous state, resigned after holding office for just three days, when the supreme court said he must face a vote of confidence. He had, in effect, been installed in the job by the national BJP-led government in Delhi following a contentious election in October and political shenanigans to form a coalition.

Trade unions and student groups have led large protests and two national strikes in Colombia. Their complaints include proposals by the government to raise the pension age and the slow implementation of a peace deal with the farc guerrilla group. A student was killed by a tear-gas canister, increasing the anger.

Luis Lacalle Pou, a candidate of the centre-right, apparently won Uruguay’s presidential election. His narrow victory, if confirmed by the country’s electoral court, will end 15 years of rule by the centre-left Broad Front coalition. Mr Lacalle Pou has promised to fight crime and slash the government’s large deficit.

Oh dear, Jeremy Corbyn

Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, expressed concerns about what a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn might mean for Jewish people. He said the party’s claim that it had investigated every allegation of anti-Semitism among its members was a “mendacious fiction”. In a TV interview Mr Corbyn repeatedly failed to apologise for his failure to deal with the problem.
英国首席拉比以法莲·米尔维斯(Ephraim Mirvis)对杰里米·科尔宾领导的工党政府对犹太人的影响表示担忧。他表示,该党声称已调查其成员中每一项反犹太主义指控,这是“虚假的虚构”。在一次电视采访中,科尔宾一再为自己未能处理好该问题而道歉。

Britain’s political parties published their manifestos for the forthcoming election. Labour promised an additional 83bn pounds ($107bn) of day-to-day spending by 2024 (around 4% of GDP). The Liberal Democrats would have a surplus, despite splashing out more than 50bn pounds a year. The Tories were the stingiest, promising just an additional 3bn pounds. All parties would take government spending to over 40% of GDP, reversing a decade-long trend of shrinking the state.

Malta was rocked by a spate of high-level resignations, two years after the murder of a journalist who had been investigating corruption on the island. The tourism and economy ministers stood down. The prime minister’s chief of staff was arrested.

The European Parliament voted to confirm the new European Commission, which will now take office under its president, Ursula von der Leyen. Britain declined to nominate a commissioner, but the process moved ahead anyway.
欧洲议会(European Parliament)投票批准成立新的欧洲委员会(European Commission),该委员会将在其主席乌苏拉·冯·德莱恩的领导下就职。英国拒绝提名一名委员,无论如何,这一进程仍在继续。