

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网 module  5   Size
[00:06.90]unit 1    Amy's taller than Lingling.
[00:14.26]1.Listen and point.
[00:25.63]Stand up,please,Amy and Lingling.
[00:30.77]Amy's taller than Lingling.
[00:35.16]Yes.And I'm older than Lingling.
[00:40.20]Stand up,please,Daming and Sam.
[00:45.35]Sam is shorter than Daming.
[00:49.89]Yes.And I'm younger than Daming.
[00:55.35]Is Sam stronger than Lingling?Yes,he is!
[01:04.00]Whoops!No,he isn't.Ha....
[01:12.18]Stand up,please,Amy and Lingling.
[01:26.13]Amy's taller than Lingling.
[01:30.49]Yes.And I'm older than Lingling.
[01:36.76]Stand up,please,Daming and Sam.
[01:44.02]Sam is shorter than Daming.
[01:48.56]Yes.And I'm younger than Daming.
[01:55.54]Is Sam stronger than Lingling?Yes,he is!
[02:09.10]Whoops!No,he isn't.Ha....
[02:16.96]Stand up,please,Amy and Lingling.
[02:28.19]Amy's taller than Lingling.
[02:32.56]Yes.And I'm older than Lingling.
[02:37.62]Stand up,please,Daming and Sam.
[02:42.66]Sam is shorter than Daming.
[02:47.34]Yes.And I'm younger than Daming.
[02:52.80]Is Sam stronger than Lingling?Yes,he is!
[03:01.34]Whoops!No,he isn't.Ha....
[03:09.60]unit 2  Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.
[03:18.43]1.Listen,point and say.
[03:29.79]The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.
[03:36.35]Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.
[03:42.22]The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace.
[03:47.58]Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.
[03:52.44]The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.
[04:04.79]Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.
[04:11.45]The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace.
[04:16.73]Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.
[04:21.69]The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.
[04:33.06]Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.
[04:38.94]The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace.
[04:44.29]Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.
[04:49.15]3.Listen and say,then say the poem.
[05:02.79]Polly's hair is long and black.
[05:07.93]Molly's hari is shorter.
[05:12.08]Molly's legs are short and fat.
[05:17.54]Polly's legs are longer.
[05:21.91]Polly's fees are rather large.
[05:26.66]Molly's feet are smaller.
[05:30.81]Molly is one metre tall.
[05:35.07]Polly is much taller.
[05:38.91]But their big,blue eyes are the very same size.
[07:02.58]than                 old                  young                 strong
[07:18.11]比...                年长的               年轻的                强壮的
[07:33.64]Mount Qomolanama     the Great Wall       the Summer Palace
[07:52.11]珠穆朗玛峰           长城                 颐和园