
新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 课文 te-06c_new


[-1:-6.00]Nothing was ever found.
[-1:-7.00]Most of the officers ended up believing that the truck driver
[-1:-8.00]was simply pulling their leg.
[-1:-9.00]They thought he was smuggling nothing,and just playing a joke on them.
[-1:10.00]However,one officer was never convinced.
[-1:11.00]To him,there was surely a mystery in the man's behavior.
[-1:12.00]He knew it;only,he could not figure it out.
[-1:13.00]Because it was embarrassing to fail every time,
[-1:14.00]he stopped checking the man when he crossed.
[-1:15.00]But he watched him.And he was certain that one day he would understand.
[-1:16.00]Eventually the officer's retirement arrived,and he too stopped working.
[-1:17.00]Unlike the truck driver,he did not take up riding a bicycle.
[-1:18.00]Nevertheless,he stayed near the bridge.He liked fishing.
[-1:19.00]Most afternoons he threw his line into the Niagara River
[-1:20.00]not far from the post where he had worked all his life.
[-1:21.00]At length,the inevitable happened.
[-1:22.00]The man came riding along the river road
[-1:23.00]to the place where the customs officer was fishing.
[-1:24.00]He got off his bicycle.
[-1:25.00]For a short time,both men looked out over the river towards the great bridge.
[-1:26.00]Then the officer said,"All right.I give up.
[-1:27.00]It's over now,anyway;so,you can tell me.
[-1:28.00]What in the world were you smuggling in that sand?"
[-1:29.00]"Nothing at all,"said the retired truck driver.
[-1:30.00]"You mean, you just did it to get on our nerves?"
[-1:31.00]"Not for a moment.I was smuggling all the time.
[-1:32.00]But you were never clever enough to catch me."
[-1:33.00]"It's too much,"exclaimed the officer."I knew it!I knew it!
[-1:34.00]But how did you hide your illegal goods?"
[-1:35.00]"Hide it? That's just the point,I didn't hide anything at all."
[-1:36.00]"Impossible! We checked everything.What were you smuggling?"