
新视野大学英语读写教程听力 第四册 课文 te-10a_new


[-1:-2.00]The mind, we now know, is not confined to the brain
[-1:-3.00]but is distributed throughout the body's universe of cells.
[-1:-4.00]Yes, we do think with our hearts, brains, muscles, blood and bones.
[-1:-5.00]During a single crucial three-week period during our teenage years,
[-1:-6.00]chemical activity in the brain is cut in half.
[-1:-7.00]That done, we are "biologically wired"
[-1:-8.00]with what one of the nation's leading brain researchers calls our own "world view".
[-1:-9.00]He says it is impossible for any two people to see the world exactly alike.
[-1:10.00]So unique is the personal experience
[-1:11.00]that people would understand the world differently.
[-1:12.00]However, it is not only possible to change your world view, he says,
[-1:13.00]it's actually easier than overcoming a drug habit.
[-1:14.00]But you need a discipline for doing it. Hence, the method recommended here.
[-1:15.00]No, it's not a curriculum in the sense that an MBA is.
[-1:16.00]But the latest research seems to imply that without the software
[-1:17.00]of emotional maturity and self-knowledge,
[-1:18.00]the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less.