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if you will…用法详解




2. will表示执意


She will keep interrupting people. 她老是要不断地打扰别人。

He will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it. 他偏要在饭桌边梳头,还明明知道我不喜欢。


He would do it, though I told him not to. 虽然我叫他不要做,可是他偏要做。

Regardless of warnings he would play with fire. 他不听警告,偏要玩火。


If you will go to bed so late, no wonder you’re tired. 如你偏要这么晚睡觉,自然就会感到疲倦。

If you will play the drums all night no wonder the neighbors complain. 如果你执意要整夜敲鼓的话,那就难怪邻居抱怨。

If you will go out without your overcoat, what can you expect? 如果你一定不穿大衣外出,那你还能指望什么?

If you will get drunk every night, it’s not surprising you feel ill. 如果你每天晚上非得一醉方休,你感到难受就不奇怪了。

If you will keep your watch half an hour slow it is hardly surprising that you are late for your appointments. 如果你一定要让你的表慢半个小时,你约会时迟到就不足为怪了。

3. 一点补充


If you would be interested, I should be very glad to send you a copy of my book. 你如感兴趣,我将会很高兴寄给你我的一本书。

If you would have come sooner, you could have helped us. 你如早来一点,就会帮上我们了(www.hxen.net)。

If I would have let him back me down in front of everybody, I would have lost respect. 假如我让他逼我在大伙面前认错的话,我就会丢脸了。