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2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析:Decoration







  What is the decoration like in your home?

  My home is decorated in a fairly simply manner, actually. The walls are plain white, the floors are a sort of marble, and the doors are made of wood. There are quite a few framed pictures on the walls, nice, thick, floral curtains, and some very tasteful and comfortable furniture. We don’t really have many ornaments in our home, but there are some plants on the window ledge.



  framed pictures:镶框图片

  floral curtain:带有碎花图案的窗帘

  tasteful furniture:雅致的家具(一定要记住tasteful和tasty是完全不同意思的两个单词!)


  window ledge:窗台

  What kind of decoration would you like to have?

  I’d like to have more old furniture, like I’ve seen in a lot of European homes. I love old wooden furniture and antiques, so ideally I’d like to have some older Chinese furniture and decorate my home in a more traditional style. I like history and so this would be my preferred choice of interior décor.


  interior décor:内部装饰

  Do Chinese people like redecorating their homes?

  I am not sure really. Some people like it, others see it as a chore, really. It can be difficult to decorate a home, and also quite expensive. Deciding on what colors to combine, what furniture to buy and things like this can be a bit of a hassle. But some people are very good at it!



  What’s your favorite color when you decorate your home?

  My favourite colors for the home would be lighter shades. Though I like bold, dark colours, these often make a home feel small and cramped, so for the home I usually go for pastel shades that ‘open up’ the rooms and make them look more bright and spacious. Perhaps a light peach colour, or even just a plain off-white or light cream colour for the walls.

  lighter shades:淡色系(light colors的另外一种说法)

  pastel shade:柔和的彩色 (pastel的意思是彩色粉笔)
