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南辕北辙 cross purposes:The salesmen were working at cross purposes with their supervisor.

病从口入祸从口出 Illness comes in by mouth and comes out by it.

笑里藏刀 a smile to hide one's hate

留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 Where there's life there's hope

海底捞月 to fish in the air

海底捞针 to look for a needle in a bundle of hay

差之毫厘失之千里 A miss is as good as a mile

既往不咎 Let the dead bury their dead.

杀身成仁 to sacrifice one's life to preserve one's virtue complete

杀鸡焉用牛刀 Take not a musket to kill a butterfly 

a bundle of:一捆(一扎,一包)
as good as:和 ... 几乎一样
virtue:德行,贞操,美德 【常用短语】①public virtue 公德 ②make a virtue of necessity 把非做不可的事装成出于好心才做的  ③of easy virtue 不贞节的,水性扬花的