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On the morning of 13 March 2014, the Second Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress held a press conference at the Great Hall of the People. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council met with Chinese and foreign press at the invitation of Fu Ying, spokesperson of the NPC Session.

At the beginning of the press conference, Premier Li Keqiang said: Friends from the press, I want to thank you for your interest in and coverage of the NPC and CPPCC Sessions. My appreciation goes to all of you for your hard work. Now I would be happy to take your questions.
[国务院总理 李克强]媒体的朋友们,感谢你们对中国两会给予的关注和作出的报道,大家辛苦了。下面就请提问。


cnn: Premier Li, my question pertains to the missing airplane of Malaysia Airlines. First of all, our sympathy goes to the families of the passengers and crew members of MH370. It’s day 6 now and there is confusion and frustration. What’s your reaction to the current situation? What is China doing to harness all your resources, civilian, military, satellite imaging to assist in the search and rescue? And down the road, how will this incident impact China’s attitude and policies on opening-up including inbound and outbound tourism? What measures will you take to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in and outside China? Will you tighten up the already tight security? Thank you.

Li Keqiang: There are 239 people on board the missing plane of Malaysia Airlines, including the 154 Chinese passengers. Those people’s families and friends are burning with anxiety. The Chinese government and Chinese people are deeply concerned about their safety. We are all eagerly awaiting news about the plane, even the slightest piece of good news.The Chinese government has activated a comprehensive contingency response and search operation. Currently there are eight Chinese vessels in the related waters and one Chinese vessel is on its way. Ten satellites are being used to provide information and technical support. We will not give up on any suspected clue.[李克强]马航失联飞机上有239名乘客,其中154名是中国同胞,他们的亲人心急如焚,他们的生命安危牵挂了中国政府和亿万中国人的心,现在我们也在盼来有消息,哪怕是一丁点好消息。中国政府已经启动了全面应急和搜救机制,现在到达相关海域的有8艘中国舰船,还有一艘正在驶向相关海域,而且我们还动用了十颗卫星进行信息技术支持,只要有任何疑点都不能放过。

I had a telephone conversation yesterday with a captain of one of the Chinese vessels in the search operation, and asked him to do his utmost. We are looking very closely at all suspected clues shown on the satellite images. This is a large international search operation involving many countries. The Chinese government has asked relevant parties to enhance coordination, investigate the cause, locate the missing plane and properly handle all related matters. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will not stop searching for the plane. With respect to China’s opening-up policy, there will be no change with the policy and China will continue to open itself to the outside world. In this course, a growing number of Chinese people will make overseas trips. That will place greater responsibility on the Chinese government. The Chinese government will fully perform its duties and enhance cooperation with other countries and regions to ensure safety of overseas Chinese nationals. As for flight safety, we have never let up our effort in ensuring flight safety as there is nothing more important than human life.

Financial Times: The international community is following very closely China’s financial and debt risks, regarding this as one of the highest risks for the global economy. What will the Chinese government do to tackle such risks? Is the government willing to see default of financial products?

Li Keqiang: I’ve got your question very clear as you speak very good Chinese, but this is a press conference for both Chinese and foreign journalists, so we still need the translation. There is such a view that the Chinese economy is confronted with risks, and I have read such reports which are not optimistic about the Chinese economy. They bear resemblance to the past bearish talk about the Chinese economy. For example, there was this concern last year about China’s economic downturn. Yet in spite of the pressure, we achieved our goal set for economic growth. We pay very high attention to the financial and debt risks. Faced with increased downward pressure on the economy last year, we conducted a comprehensive audit on government debt. That shows that the Chinese government has faced up to this challenge. We have released to the public the audit result as it is. And it shows that the risks are on the whole under control. Moreover, our debt to GDP ratio is below the internationally recognized warning line, and most of the debt takes the form of investment. But the government will not overlook potential risks. We are going to intensify regulatory steps, put those debts under budgetary management over time and enhance the oversight of financing vehicles. In a word, we are going to keep the front gate open and block side doors.[李克强]你的中文说得很流利,也很标准,我听懂了。但是因为这是中外记者招待会,还得请翻译做一次翻译。关于对中国经济有风险,甚至还有些不看好的报道,最近我也看到了,类似的报道可以说似曾相识,去年就有对中国经济下行的担心,但是我们就是在这样的背景下,顶住压力完成了全年经济主要预期目标。对金融和债务风险我们一直高度关注,去年在经济下行压力加大的情况下,我们果断决定全面审计政府性债务问题,这本身表明要勇于面对。审计的结果如实对外公布,表明债务风险是总体可控的,而且政府的债务率还在国际公认的警戒线以下。很多债务还是投资性的,但我们不能忽视其中存在的风险,正在加强规范性措施。下一步,包括采取逐步纳入预算管理,开正门、堵偏门,规范融资平台等措施。

As for financial risks such as shadow banking, we have tightened regulatory measures, set a timetable and started to apply the Basel III requirements. When I participated in the panel discussion during the two Sessions, a deputy from the banking sector said to me: Isn’t the capital adequacy ratio in China a bit too high? After all, we are still a developing country. But this is a must for us, as we don’t want to let today’s stepping stone become tomorrow’s stumbling block. As for default of financial products, how could I want to see such thing happen? Yet I’m afraid certain individual cases of such defaults are hardly avoidable. What we should do is to step up monitoring, promptly handle relevant situation and ensure that there will be no regional and systemic financial risks.对于“影子银行”等金融风险,我们也正在加强监管,已经排出时间表,推进实施巴赛尔协议III规定的监管措施。我两会期间参加一个代表团的审议,有来自银行界的代表问我,是不是资本充足率的要求偏高了一些?我们还是发展中国家,但是我们只能这样做,我们不能把今天的垫脚石变成明天的绊脚石。至于你问我是不是愿意看到一些金融产品违约的情况,我怎么能够愿意看到呢?但是确实个别情况难以避免,我们必须加强监测,及时处置,确保不发生区域性、系统性金融风险。谢谢。

People’s Daily: There is a widely shared concern in the society as to whether this recent anti-corruption campaign will be a short-lived one. Last year, many corrupt officials were dealt with, but does this show there exist some institutional flaws in China? What new steps will the government take to combat corruption?

Li Keqiang: The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have a firm will and resolve to fight corruption. This is our consistent position. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has been steadfast in combating corruption and holding corrupt officials accountable. New progress has been made in this regard and we will carry forward this campaign with perseverance. For corrupt behaviors and corrupt officials, we will show zero tolerance. China is a country under the rule of law. No matter who he is and how senior his position is, if he violates Party discipline and law of the country, he will be seriously dealt with and punished to the full extent of the law, because everybody is equal before the law.[李克强]中国党和政府反对腐败的意志和决心是一贯的。十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央坚持有贪必反、有腐必惩,取得新成效,我们会坚持不懈地做下去。对于腐败分子和腐败行为,我们实行的是“零容忍”。中国是法治国家,不论是谁,不论职位高低,法律面前人人平等,只要是触犯了党纪国法,就要依法依纪严肃查处、惩治。

Corruption is the natural enemy of a people’s government. We must apply the rule of law in both thinking and action in fighting corruption. And we must put the exercise of power and use of public money under institutional check. This year, we will continue to streamline administration and delegate government power. We are going to release to the public a list of powers as quickly as possible and set down a clear boundary for the exercise of power to prevent power abuse. We will also carry out comprehensive audits in those areas which are of high concern to the public, including the revenue on the transfer of land use rights and transfer of mining rights. We will take institutional steps to ensure that rent-seeking behaviors and corruption have nowhere to hide.腐败是人民政府的天敌,我们要用法治的思维,用制度来管权、管钱。今年要继续推进简政放权,而且要加快推进“权力清单”公布,界定权力的边界,防止滥用权力。对于社会公众高度关注的一些领域,比如像土地出让金收入、矿产权的转让等,我们要全面审计,要通过一系列的制度性措施,让权力寻租行为、让腐败现象无藏身之地。谢谢。