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1. -ese:

Chin(a) + ese→Chinese n. 中国人;汉语

E.g. Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go. 不论你到哪里,记住你是中国人。

Japan + ese→Japanese n. 日本人;日语

E.g. Not only did he speak English well, but he spoke Japanese more easily. 他不但英语说得好,就连日语也讲得轻松自如。

2. -(r)ess:

host+ ess→hostess n. 女主人

E.g. The hostess gave us a cordial greeting. 女主人热忱地欢迎我们。

act+ ress→actress n. 女演员

E.g. The famous actress is now appearing at the Capital Theatre. 目前这位著名女演员正在首都剧场演出。

3. -ian:

logic+ ian→logician n. 逻辑学家

E.g. As the founder of pragmatism, firstly and mostly Peirce was a logician. 作为实用主义的鼻祖,皮尔士首先和主要是一位逻辑学家。

mathematic+ ian→mathematician n. 数学家

E.g. Einstein is identified with a higher mathematician. 爱因斯坦被列为高等数学家。


drama+ (t)ist→dramatist n. 剧作家

E.g. Shakespeare is, by common consent, the greatest English dramatist. 莎士比亚被公认是英国最伟大的剧作家。

dent+ ist→dentist n. 牙科医生

E.g. The dentist told the boy not to eat too many sweets. 牙医告诫这男孩不要吃太多糖果。


young+ ster→youngster n. 年轻人

E.g. That youngster works with a will. 这小伙子干活有股傻劲儿。

gang+ ster→gangster n. 歹徒

E.g. The police are hard on the track of the gangster. 警察正在追踪那名匪徒。