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美国人每天说的电视及新鲜俚语Unit1-3 词汇


beat it (to) exp.跑掉,溜走

blow someone off (to) exp.抛弃某人,甩掉某人

buff n.爱好者,谜

catch someone or something later (to) exp.以后再见某人;以后再看某物

chicken out (to) exp.胆怯;畏缩;因胆小而放弃

dialogue someone (to) exp.和某人搭讪,和某人攀谈

do the trick (to) exp.有效果,起作用

flip (out) (to) exp.怒不可遏

geeky adj.傻乎乎的

get faced (to) exp.大醉,烂醉如泥

get with the program (to) 意识到;人时,时髦

getup n.衣着,服装

give someone the eye (to) 对某人抛媚眼

goose cooked (to have one's) 遭殃,完蛋

hang (to) v.消磨时间;打发时间

hold on (to) exp.等着

How does that sound? 你有兴趣吗?

knock somenone's block off (to) exp.打某人一巴掌

mad crush on someone (to have a) 迷恋某人

mellow out (to) 冷静下来

No biggy! 没问题

No way ,Jose! 绝对不行!

pick up chicks (to) 找女人,找艳遇

plasetered (to be) 喝得烂醉的

rocks (on the) 加冰的

spot someone (to) 找到某人,发现某人

stick around (to) 等待,逗留

straight up adv.纯的,不搀水的

teed off (to be) 生气,恼火

That tears it! 我受不了了!

toss one's cookles (to) 呕吐

Yike! 呀!