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美国人每天说的电视及新鲜俚语Unit8-2 在唱片店 At the Record Store 标准英语的说法


At the Record Store


Debbie and Alicia are looking for same albums.


Debbie: I'm really excited! My favorite group just recorded a new compact disc! Have you heard their newest successful song, "Sunbathing on the Beach with My Friend?" It's fantastic!


Alicia: I know. It's got the most memorable section. My mother always criticizes me because I turn up the volume on the stereo every lime that song comes on.


Debbie: A few of us didn't go to biology class yesterday, which is a real easy class anyway, in order to listen to one of their music sessions. The lead singer played the best guitar melodies at their Iast performance. That guy is so masculine!


Alicia: And he's so gorgeous... not really! I can't believe you're hoping for a sexual encounter with that fool! Are you serious? He's so stupid. That makes me vomit. I don't know what his problem is but he dresses like an idiot and his hair is always extremely messy. I'm starting to wonder about the kind of people you socialize with.
