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【原版英语动画粉红猪小妹】Peppa Pig第19集:邮递员的女儿Zeo


粉红猪小妹 Peppa Pig 是一部原版的英语动画。纯正的英式发音、有趣的情节、可爱的动画人物设计,受到了国内外很多家长和小朋友的欢迎。我们在这里总结Peppa Pig的重点词组,配以例句,伴你和孩子一起学习

小斑马Zoe要过生日啦~看看她是怎么邀请她的朋友吧~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


1, deliver:递送
例句:Zoe has her own letter to deliver.她有自己的邮件要邮寄。

2, telephone bill:电话费
例句:Please pay your telephone bill. 请支付电话费。

3, invite:邀请
例句:Zoe invited Peppa and George to her birthday party. Zoe 邀请Peppa 和 George 去她的生日聚会。

4, reply:答复,回信
例句:You need to write a reply to Zoe, to tell her you will coming to her party.你需要给Zoe写回信,告诉她你会去她的生日聚会。

5, Kind regards! 亲切的问候!

6, envelope:信封
例句:What color envelope shall we use?我们该用什么颜色的信封呢?

7, come along:一道走,一起来
例句:May George and I come along too? George 和我能一起去吗?

8, present:礼物
例句:So many presents! 这么多的礼物呀!

9, thank you letter:感谢信
例句:You must write a lot of thank you letters. 你得说很多感谢信哦。
