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英语专业四级语法词汇四十套 第33套



1. Only in the dream world ____ moments of desolation or terror that are worse than anything we have known under the sun.

A. there isB. there areC. is thereD. are there

2. Would you please ____ spoil any material?

A. notB. not toC. to notD. don’t

3. ____ in physical shape, he dropped out of the University of Syracuse.

A. As he was badB. Bad as he was

C. Bad although he was D. Bad though he was

4. I hope you don’t mind me ____ you sir, but is there much money involved in the will?

A. askingB. to askC. askD. that I ask

5. The reason Beethoven went away to the country is ____.

A. that he was gradually going deaf

B. because he was gradually going deaf

C. on account of the fact that he was gradually going deaf 

D. since he was gradually going deaf

6. “I often feel a sudden fast heart beat when I’m idle.”“You should stop your exercising and need ____”

A.to check your heart

B. to have your heart checked

C. to have checked your heart 

D. to be checked your heart

7. When I finish the story, Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor, ____, deep in thought.

A. with his head bendingB. in his head bent

C. his head bendingD. his head bent

8. But what ____ to define his personality is a driven concentration on his work, compulsive attention to every aspect of creating musicals.

A. seems most B. is mostly

C. is mostD. seems mostly

9. Switzerland is ____ a place to indulge in all your favorite winter sports; it’s also a marvellous spot to relax.

A. rather thanB. more than 

C. else thanD. other than

10. I am lucky ____ the thing I enjoy doing most is ____ I’ve ended up doing.

A. when... thatB. if...what

C. that... whatD. that...that

11. Please ____ your voice if you have any questions to ask the chairman.

A. riseB. raiseC. liftD. enlarge

12. Owen obviously had no ____ of doing any work that day, although it was only a week before the English Test.

A. ambitionB. desireC. intentionD. wish

13. The National Gallery in London has more visitors than ____any other because of its free admission.

A. practicallyB. reallyC. actuallyD. completely

14. On that bitterly cold winter night , few people walked along the ______ narrow streets.

A. lonelyB. neglectedC. desertedD. isolated

15. If you keep gettingwrong numbers, your phone could be ____.

A. defectiveB. ineffectiveC. deficientD. deceptive

16. Mr.Johnson had a terrible cold and could not stop ____.

A. yawningB. sighingC. sneezingD. spitting

17. The chairman asked the members to ____ their votes for or against the proposal.

A. castB. throwC. bidD. offer

18. She was barred from the golf club for refusing to ____with the request.

A. conformB. adhereC. abideD. comply

19. She always ____ the smell of fresh bread with her aunt, who loved baking.

A. associatedB. connectedC. attributedD. contributed

20. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been ______ , it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely.

A. settledB. evenedC. calmedD. relieved

21. She was paid by the hour, and she managed to keep her family with herpitiful____.

A. salaryB. wagesC. stipendD. payment

22. A plane is a ____ and so is a car.

A. transportB. driveC. vehicleD. carriage

23. Tony was in plain clothes, watching for a ____ character at London Airport all night.

A. suspiciousB. suspectC. susceptibleD. doubtful

24. At first she thought he was joking. It took Jason twenty minutes to convince her that he was ____.

A. earnestB. realC. genuineD. serious

25. You may even become a head waiter eventually. If you have the rightsortof ____ and are not afraid of hard work.

A. natureB. personalityC. temperD. character