
  • 专业八级改错练习 第65期

    The aim of a job interview is to establish whether
    you are likely to do well in a particular job in a
    specific organization. This is not only a matter of
    having the necessary technical knowledge

  • 专业八级改错练习 第64期

    Ancient man attempted to change the weather by using
    magic. While experience taught him this was impossible, __1__
    he tried to forecast weather conditions. Even earlier in __2__
    1000 B.C.there were

  • 专业八级改错练习 第63期

    It is difficult to think of a nation as an abstract collection
    of people living on a patch of territory. It is easier to think
    of as a person. This is why we sometimes call Great Britain __1__

  • 专业八级改错练习 第62期

    The word encyclopedia began as a Greek word and means
    "instruction in the whole circle." It was the first used in __1__
    English by sir Thomas Eloyt in 1538. Encyclopedias today
    are usually arrange

  • 专业八级改错练习 第61期

    The tendency nowadays to wander in wildernesses is delightful
    to see. Thousands of tired, nerve-shaking, over-civilized people are __1__
    beginning to find out that going to mountains is going home;

  • 专业八级改错练习 第60期

    Three passions have governed my life: the longing
    for love, the search into knowledge, and the unbearable __1__
    pity for the suffering of mankind.
    I have sought of love, first, because it brings

  • 专业八级改错练习 第59期

    The Indian coastal belt has not recorded many Tsunamis in the past.
    Waves companying earthquake activity have been reported over __1__
    the North Bay of Bengal. During an earthquake in 1881 which has

  • 专业八级改错练习 第58期

    Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along a road
    where we heard someone shout "Help! Help!" He was in __1__
    a lake, about a hundred feet from the shore. There was a __2__
    small boat nearby

  • 专业八级改错练习 第57期

    Industrial growth in countries had formerly been markets __1__
    hastened regional self-sufficiency and, in the consequence, __2__
    hastened the collapse of organized long-distance trade. This

  • 专业八级改错练习 第56期

    Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as
    ten years before, you can't help being strucked by the __1__
    appearance of the women taking part. Their hair styles and
    make-up look date;

  • 专业八级改错练习 第55期

    Culture in general is concerned about beliefs and values on the __1__
    basis of which peope interpret experiences and behave, individually
    and in groups. Broadly and simply putting, "culture" refers

  • 专业八级改错练习 第54期

    【练习】Middle age has its compensations. Youth is bound hand and foot with the shackles of public opinion. Middle age enjoys freedom.I remember that when i left the school i said to myself: __1"Henc

  • 专业八级改错练习 第53期

    【练习】Whether the eyes are "the windows of the soul" is debatable;they are intensely important in interpersonal communication is a __1fact. During the first two months of a baby's life, the stimuli

  • 专业八级改错练习 第52期

    Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated from London to New York City when she was ten year's old. One day, she decided that she wanted __1to be a doctor. That was nearly impos

  • 专业八级改错练习 第51期

    【练习】Something has been happening to the concept of "fiction",either in critical discourse and elsewhere. For a long time, __1this concept operated under common understood restrictions. __2It was u

  • 专业八级改错练习 第50期

    【练习】Transport can be a major expense for many companies,especially when cars have to be provided for both managerial and sale staff. __1As a result, it's important to keep a close eye at the many

  • 专业八级改错练习 第49期

    【练习】DDT, the most powerful pesticide the world had ever known,exposed nature’s vulnerability. Unlike most pesticides, which effect- __1 tiveness is limited to destroy one or two types of insects,

  • 专业八级改错练习 第48期

    【练习】Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely depend on the environment which we live. Keeping the air we __1breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making t

  • 专业八级改错练习 第47期

    【练习】You stare at waterfall for a minute or two, then shift your gaze to its surrounding. What you now see appears to drift upward. You __1are board a train in a busy station when suddenly another

  • 专业八级改错练习 第45期

    【练习】The growth of the world’s population and its pressure to resources __1threaten to change the quality of life as we know it. It takes __2100,000 years of human existence for the world to reach

  • 专业八级改错练习 第44期

    【练习】Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economical causes: it is not due simply to the bad __1
    influence of this or that individual writers. But an

  • 专业八级改错练习 第43期

    【练习】Changes in climate that had already taken place are manifested __1from the decrease in extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice, perma- __2frost thawing, coastal erosion, changes in ice sheets a

  • 专业八级改错练习 第42期

    【练习】Dinosaurs, saber-tooth tigers and the dodo bird are famous examples __1 of animals that have become extinct. In case of the dinosaurs, it __2 seems likely that a catastrophic event alters the

  • 专业八级改错练习 第41期

    【练习】Not too many decades ago it seemed “obvious” both to the general public and to sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relations, loosed their responsibilities __1to

  • 专业八级改错练习 第40期

    【练习】There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral.
    Great numbers of animal oil come from whales, those enormous __1creatures of the sea which are the largest remaining animal
