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The 'experts' have tried to evaluate me as a sufferer of this but found no such evidence or behavior. The same was true for all other mental or medical conditions, so they think 'witch' covers my condition in life; because I refuse to participate in the materially managed environment any more. We will not explore the horrors of the current forms of Inquisition in great detail in this book as it relates to me. That would definitely be too serious and intense, as I would explain society's role in tortures such as I witness all around me every day. I have been thwarted in devious gambits by those who have something even worse than the strait-jacket as we have seen Drs Breggin and Cohen describe in 'science'. They call it (appropriately) 'pharmacological lobotomies'. ECT is even more disgusting and joins Ritalin in a campaign which social forces are developing in this control paradigm. It seems relevant to point out enough of the matter of my experience so that you will know you are getting it pretty close to what they say when they use the phrase 'the horse's mouth'.

Even the pharmacological and psychiatric conglomerate acknowledges the physical elements of Depression. Some are cluing in to nutrition and massage or simple caring. The effects of education and alienation are massive, but bad parenting and the lack of enabling nutritive support in early life establish character and behavior traits that stubbornly resist real therapeutic methods. These obsessions often are far too time-consuming for high-paid 'professionals' to offer assistance - so we just drug and deceive! This medical model as some call it makes a great deal of money and keeps the public at large thinking something humane is going on in the life of the care-givers and victims of a society without true spiritual awareness and far too little compassion. The buzz words and catchy phrases like 'informed consent' are not anything more than deceit, as they still give lobotomies. In one case they did it without informing the person who just died in 2005.

Francis Mark Mondimore writes a book called 'Depression, The Mood Disease' updated in 1993 by Johns Hopkins University that presents the lies of this machine that Ivan Illich (in 'Limits To Medicine') identified as 'mechanistic and over-professionalized' in the mid 70s.Here is the overstatement of the century from its inside flap:

"The revised 'Depression, the Mood Disease' tells readers exactly what they need to know about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Depression:

*How antidepressant drugs were discovered, how they work, and with what side effects. {I'm biting my tongue!}

*What Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and panic attacks are, and how they are treated.

*How electro-convulsive therapy has changed for the better--and why it now works for up to 90% of those treated. {And all the professions involved in continuing to provide this fearsome horror that is necessary to repeat as it continues frying brain cells. Now randomly due to a drug cocktail, so that people's libido and zest is burned out too.}

*How the special problems of Depression in children and older persons are handled. *How to deal with a depressed friend or family member.

*How such disorders as hormonal imbalance and even lead poisoning can 'mimic' the symptoms of Depression.

*Why Depression is sometimes misdiagnosed as 'PMS', drug abuse, or Alzheimer's disease..." (2)

The future holds promises and terrors galore in the application of 'easy' answers like drugs developed for specific genetic make-ups and nanites to monitor and deliver targeted drugs or shocks to the system in order to make us behave as we should. The ever-increasing 'big brother' that allows the growth industries associated with the