Dangerous Drugs
xx, Celebrex, and Bextra: An editorial regarding dangerous drugsGenerally my web site deals with Internet and other media markets, but whereas our motto is "Caveat Emptor, Let the buyer beware " and is consumer advocacy oriented, we will from time to time discuss anything in that is relevent to warning readers of problems.This is one of those instances where the public should be aware of what's going on. Ther's been a lot of publicity regarding Vioxx which is probably the best known of the so-called "Pain Killer Drugs", but Vioxx is not alone in this genre. Celebrex and Bextra are in the same family of drugs and are widely used to kill the pain of Arthritis and other ailments.It is not my place to criticize these medications; it is only to CAUTION YOU that these drugs are dangerous as are many other drugs, including Aspirin if it is abused.Far be it for me to demean the makers of these drugs, or the people that use them. I am plagued with Arthritis and other bone disease, but I cannot take this type of drug because of their side effects on other parts of my antaomy. I take others that are just as dangerous. In fact a year ago after I had had hip surgery I spent a week in the hospital because of overuse of Oxycontin and HydrocodoneMy advice is Use caution and common sense consult your doctor befor taking any of these drugs. Never take any of them or any other drugs without his or her knowledge, even those sold over the counter. Many of them are not necessarily dangerous when taken by themselves, but taken in conjunction with other medictions, can be lethal.Here's an example of a drug conflict that occurred even when my physician was aware of all the medications I was taking and in this case, no one was to blame. I doubt that this situation occurs frequently. Drug manufacturers are careful to list side effects and it's a good idea to read them and if you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.I am a Diabetic and for seveal years I took a drug called Glucophage, a very benign medication. I develoed a case of Edema, swelling of the legs. To remedy Edema it is required that I take a Diuretic, or water pill. Every time I took a Diuretic I became violently ill. This became a crisis when I had a hip replacement, as I filled up with fluid and the only relief was a diuretic, which had near lethal effects.I'm over eighty years old and take a number of drugs so it wasn't esy todetect this problem. When I was in rehab after hip surgery I was taken off all my oral medications and given Insulin for my Diabetes. Guess what? The Edema disappeared. Since I do not take Glucophage any more I am able to take diuretics daily with no ill effects.So the word is CAUTION be alert, be aware, keeep your doctor informed of all the medications you take, even over the counter products. BE AWARE.I won't get into the ramifications to do with the FDA and the manufacturers, you can read it in your local newspapers or go to the Food and Drug Administration web site:http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/vioxx/vioxxQA.hWritten by: George W. Cannata the publisher of the web site : http:// http://www.caveatemptorus.com July 8,2005.
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