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Your Role as an Expectant Father


Quite often expectant fathers get bent out of shape over what they should be doing during the Pregnancy. The pregnant woman is often the focus of all attention. She's the one carrying the baby. She's the one doctors examine. She's the one with oodles of books written especially for her. She's the one who has to push when the time comes and they put the baby on her belly when it is delivered. So, the question is: Are you only along for the ride? Yes, you really are only along for the ride.

However, there are a few specific things that you can and should do in the 9 1/2 months of Pregnancy that will go a long way to make you a more equal participant in the whole affair.

Get Educated

Once you find out that you are pregnant, the expectant father should - as soon as possible - get educated about what is ahead. This means reading every part of this website! It is simply too late to wait for the second or third trimester to get a handle on the complexities of pregnancy. The staff at thefunkystork.com knows all too well that the first trimester goes by really, really fast! Take the time right away to explore the resources that are available online, from your medical professional and from books. The more that you know about Pregnancy now, the easier the next months will become.

Support, Support, Support

You'll note that most of the Tools for the Clueless section on thefunkystork.com is geared towards helping you help her with chores like cleaning, cooking and diapering. While this is certainly a big part of your involvement, your main role is to support your partner emotionally and physically throughout all stages of the Pregnancy.

The first trimester is a key stage. If there are to be any complications, this is the stage at which they are likely to manifest themselves. Frequently, the first trimester is the worst in terms of morning sickness and nausea. Remember that your partner's body is going through a pretty intense period of time - she is growing a baby. If she is fit, she will soon have to tone down the intensity of her workouts and switch to yoga or Pilates for the duration of the Pregnancy. This is the precise time for you to start doing extra things around the house and offering to exercise together. cooking is a great idea, provided that she can keep the food down and has not developed an aversion to the food she used to adore.

The second trimester is often referred to as the honeymoon phase since most of the first trimester discomforts will have subsided. Your partner's crankiness, fatigue and nausea will likely disappear, thus making this is a great time for a pre-baby vacation. Airplane flight is usually safe, so a surprise vacation might be in order.

The third trimester is generally when the weight becomes burdensome and the discomforts of Pregnancy return. By the end of this trimester, your partner may be suffering from swollen ankles, fatigue, constipation and hemorrhoids. She may be uncomfortable with how she looks and with her limited mobility. Everything will become tedious: walking, standing and even sitting. Be patient and pick up the slack by helping out around the house more than ever.

This is also the time when nesting begins, which is the powerful urge pregnant women get to clean and prepare the house for the arrival of the baby. Be warned that this urge only intensifies as the due date approaches. Show your partner that you are also excited by impending parenthood and offer to help set up the nursery. And don't forget to attend every prenatal class and play the role of supportive partner.

Play An Active Role Throughout The Pregnancy

Presuming that you've educated yourself and are supporting your partner as described above, you really ought to attend as many prenatal medical appointments as possible. Your doctor is the expert on how your