
牛津书虫系列《神秘及幻想故事集》Chapter1 附中英双语文本


He jumped up and shouted,screaming out his words like a man dying in terror.‘MADMAN!I TELL YOU THAT AT THIS MINUTE SHE Is STANDING OUTSIDE THIS DOOR!’
AS he screamed these words,the heavy door was thrown open by the strong wind.There,outside the door,dressed in the white clothes of the dead,stood the tall figure of the Lady Madeleine of Usher.There was blood on her hands,her arms,her torn white clothes.Every part of her body showed the marks of her long fight to escape from the coffin.For a moment she stood there shaking,moving slowly from side to side.Then with a low cry she fell heavily onto her brother.And in the moment of her now final death,he fell with her to the floor-a dead man,killed by his own terror.
From that room,and from that house,I ran in horror.Out-side,the storm was still violent and as I ran past the lake,a sudden wild light shone around me.I turned to see where this strange light was coming from.It was the moon,a full,blood-red moon,shining through a narrow crack in the walls of the house.It was the crack which started at the roof of the building and went right down to the ground.As I watched,the crack grew larger,the wind grew wilder-now I could see the full circle of the blood-red moon,and the great walls of the house breaking and falling.There was a long shouting sound,like the voice of a thousand waters,and the deep dark lake closed over the broken pieces of the House of Usher.