
牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter18 附中英双语文本


Meanwhile Tess was not hopeful that Angel would come in answer to her letter.The past had not changed,so he might not change either.Nevertheless she spent her spare time preparing for his possible return,practising singing the songs he used to like,tears rolling down her cheeks all the while.
One evening she was in the cottage as usual when there was a knock at the door.A tall thin girl came in and Tess recognized her young sister Liza-Lu.
‘Liza-Lu!’said Tess.‘What's the matter?’
‘Mother is very ill,’her sister said seriously,‘and father is not well either and says a man of such noble family shouldn't have to work.So we don't know what to do.’
Tess thought for a moment.She realized she had to go home immediately,although her time was not yet up at the farm.She left her sister to rest for a while,and she herself set off at once with her possessions in a basket.
Although it was night and she had a fifteen-mile walk, she felt quite safe.She was only worried about her mother, and did not notice the strange shapes of trees and hedges in the darkness.At three in the morning she passed the field where she had first seen Angel Clare,and felt again the disappointment when he did not dance with her.And when she saw the family cottage, it seemed to be part of her body and life,as it always did.
She found her mother recovering from her illness,and took over as head of the household.Her father did not seem ill,and had a new plan for earning money.
‘I'm going to find all the historians round here,’he said,‘and get them to pay money to keep me going.After all,they pay to look after old ruins,and I'm of historical interest.I think they'll be pleased to do it!’
Tess did not have time to answer.She nursed her mother,fed the children,and worked in the garden,planting vegetables for next year.She enjoyed working outside,among her neighbours.One evening when it was almost dark,she was digging happily in the vegetable garden,some distance from the cottage.It was a clear,fresh night,with smoke blowing about from small fires in the gardens.Suddenly she saw a man's face in the light of a fire.It was d’Urberville!She gasped and stepped back,her face pale.