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美国人每天说的电视及新鲜俚语Unit3-3 词汇


blow someone off the face of the earth (to) 猛烈的枪击某人

break something to someone (to) 向某人道出实情

check up on someone (to) 查看、核实某人的情况

come clean with someone (to) 对某人实话实说

come to 恢复知觉,苏醒

death warmed over (to look like) 面如死灰,奄奄一息

doc n.医生

double whammy 令人震惊的事情接连发生;祸不单行

drag on (to) 拖长;拖延

dumped (to get) 被抛弃

fling n.风流韵事

get over something (not to be able to) 不能相信;难以接受

give it to someone straight (to) 跟某人直说

Hi there! 嗨!

hitched (to get) 结婚;系在一起

in full swing (to be) 全面投入使用

in no time adv.很快地;马上

knock someone up (to) 使某人怀孕

lift one's spirits (to) 使某人高兴起来

O.R n.手术室

peek one's head in (to) 露个脸,作简短拜访

pull the plug (to) 停止对重病患者采取各种维持其生命的医疗措施

pull through (to) 渡过难关;恢复健康

slut n.荡妇

soap n.肥皂剧

stop by (to) 顺便拜访

take it easy (to) 放松,休息

That's a load off my mind 我可就放心了

ticker n.心脏

touch and go (to be) 没把握的;不确定的

tough cookie (to be a) 坚强;强健

upshot n.结果;结局

Yoo hoo! 喂喂!