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问题 The Question

  I've been interviewing candidates for a research job and have had a very good shortlist. The two frontrunners are both excellent - they seem bright and keen and hardworking. One is reasonably good-looking; the other is exceedingly plain - obese and with bad skin. The role is not client- facing so looks should not matter. Yet I find myself inclined to hire the person who looks more prepossessing - which is unfair as the plain one surely needs a break. What should I do?  我在为一项研究工作面试候选人,并有了一份非常好的入围名单。两位候选人都非常优秀——他们看起来聪明、热情而且勤奋。其中一位容貌出众;另一位则过于难看——比较胖,而且皮肤不好。招聘的职位不是面向客户的,因此长相并不重要。不过我发现自己倾向于聘用那个看起来更讨人喜欢的家伙—— 这有失公平,因为长相难看的人肯定也需要机会。我该怎么办呢?

  经理,女性,38岁 Manager, female, 38

  露西的回答 Lucy's Answer

  You should hire the fat and spotty one. This is not because you feel he (or she?) deserves a break - it isn't your job to play social engineer. It is because he is almost certainly better at the job than the one who is easier on the eye。你应该聘用那个脸上长满粉刺的胖子。这不是因为你觉得他(或她)应该得到这个机会——扮演社会工程师不是你的职责。而只是因为他几乎肯定会比那个更养眼的家伙干得更好。

  You claim that the two are equally skilled and industrious. If you are right, you should hire the looker as lookers are easier to have around. But I don't think you are right。