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AP News:大众回购或修复问题汽车


AP News:大众回购或修复问题汽车

Pop superstar Prince, who was widely acclaimed one of the most inventive musicians of his era, was found dead at his home on Thursday in suburban Minneapolis according to his publicist. No details were released into the cause of his death. The music icon was 57-years old.
A judge says an agreement will give consumers who bought hundreds of thousands Volkswagen vehicles rigged to cheat on emissions tests the option of having the automaker buy the cars back or fix them. The company faced lawsuit after acknowledging that it intentionally defeated the emissions tests and put dirty vehicles on the road.

Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 90th birthday on Thursday and took a short walk to greet well-wishers as the nation paid tribute. Hundreds lined up hours beforehand, carrying cakes, cards, balloons and Union Jack flags.
The life duck was rescued on Wednesday from rubble in the Ecuadorian coastal city of Pedernales, four days after a devastated earthquake that killed over 570 people. Rescuers fed it papaya and water to hydrate it while local residents watched the rescue.
Emily Roseman, the associated press, with AP news minute.