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AP News:特朗普签署一项涉警方执法行政令


This is AP News Minute.
President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday encouraging better police practices and establishing a database to track officers with a history of excessive use-of-force complaints. Trump and the GOP have been rushing to respond following weeks of national protests over the deaths of George Floyd and other black Americans.

Researchers in England Tuesday said evidence shows an inexpensive, widely available steroid can improve COVID-19 survival. The British government immediately authorized the drug's use for severely ill patients.
Early voting in Russia has begun. Residents are deciding whether or not to allow president Vladimir Putin to stay in power until 2036. An April vote was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Voting ends July 1st.
And finally Sotheby's London has reopened to sell more than 200 pieces by Pablo Picasso. Many come from the personal collection of the artist's granddaughter. The works can be viewed by appointment only. The auction ends June 18th.