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AP News:联邦法院:特朗普无权挪用资金建边境墙


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A federal appeals court has ruled against the Trump administration in its transfer of military money to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico. The 9th Circuit Court of appeals ruled Friday that diverting $2.5 billion from military construction projects to build the wall illegally sidesteps congress, which gets to decide how to use the funds.
Texas and Florida clamped down on bars again Friday in the biggest retreat yet amid a virus surge across the South and West. The number of confirmed new coronavirus infections per day in the U.S. hit an all-time high of 40,000.

The Democratic-controlled house approved a bill Friday to make the district of Columbia the 51st state, saying congress has both the moral obligation and constitutional authority to ensure that the city's 700,000 residents are allowed full voting rights, no longer subject to "taxation without representation."
A spacewalking astronaut added to the millions of pieces of junk orbiting the Earth on Friday, losing a small mirror as soon as he stepped out the International Space Station for battery work. Commander Chris Cassidy said the mirror quickly floated away at about a foot per second.