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BBC news 2007-05-29 加文本


BBC 2007-05-29


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BBC World News with Mary Small.

The leader of the Israeli Labour Party Amir Peretz has lost his job, throwing the future of the country's coalition government into doubt. Exit polls following the Labour leadership election on Monday showed Mr.Peretz trailing badly in third place. The two men who defeated him are now likely to face one another in a run-off. Mike Sergeant is in Jerusalem.
It was always predicted that he would lose his job in this election; he has faced a lot of criticism since the Lebanon war last summer. The real question was who is going to replace him, and on that front, it's still far too close to predict. Two Israeli television channels have published exit polls this evening and they are predicting two different results. One predicts a win for the relative political newcomer Ami Ayalon, another predicts a win for the former Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and it seems likely that neither candidate will get the forty percent needed this time for an outright victory.

The United States and Iran have described their first direct talks for almost thirty years as positive, achieving a broad policy agreement on the security situation in Iraq which was the limited focus of their meeting in Baghdad. The US ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker called for talks business-like. Jim Miel reports from Baghdad.
The Iranian ambassador Hassan Kazemi spoke of the negative effects he said stemmed from the American occupation. The Iraqi security forces, he said, were in need of better training and equipment Iran stood ready to help. He also suggested setting up a three-sided security committee to allow the Americans, Iraqis and Iranians to coordinate on security matters so all the right positive noises are being made. But the Americans will be watching closely for any sign of a change in what they believe to be Iran's two-pronged policy of supporting the Iraqi government in some ways and undermining it in others.

Hours after taking Venezuela's main pro-opposition television channel off the air, the government of President Chavez has accused another leading TV station of inciting assassination. Officials argued that footage from the news network Global Vision had implicitly called for Mr.Chavez to be murdered, Global Vision's spokesman dismissed the claim as ridiculous.

The annual meeting of the whaling conservation body The International Whaling Commission has begun in Alaska with a possible end to the ban on commercial whaling heading the agenda. At last year's meeting, Japan won a non-binding resolution in favor of commercial whaling. Richard Black reports.
Compromise is in the air here, and Japan's deputy whaling commissioner Joji Morishita told reporters that a package deal was possible. The exact ingredients aren't clear, but Japan's principal demand is that four of its coastal communities with a history of whaling be entitled to a small commercial hunt with meat being distributed locally. There has been no formal response from the anti-whaling bloc, but conservation groups are likely to be resistant to any talks of such compromise.

World News From the BBC.

Thousands of police officers have forced their way into a market in the Peruvian capital Lima to evict stallholders mostly women and children who the authorities say had moved onto the land illegally. The police, some of them on horses, others in riot gear moved in at dawn firing tear gas canisters and smashing stalls.

Political parties set up by resident foreigners in Spain have won as many seats in some areas as the mainstream groupings in Sunday's local and regional elections. For the first time, significant numbers of expatriates, many of them British and German, were elected. Correspondents say many foreign residents have gone into Spanish politics out of disgust with widespread corruption in town planning.

A national holiday in Ethiopia has been marred by attacks with the deaths of at least six people in the southeast of the country. In the town of Jijiga, six people were killed and other forty five injured. Amber Henshall reports from Addis Ababa.
One eyewitness told the BBC that there were two explosions possibly caused by hand grenades followed by shooting by police. The eyewitness said it was chaotic scene as the screaming crowds tried to get to the stadium's one exit where the shots were fired. The government blames the attacks on the Ogden National Liberation Front which was responsible for killing at least seventy four workers at a Chinese-run oil field last month. The Ogden National Liberation Front has denied any involvement in Monday's attacks, saying it was not their policy to target civilians.

A Japanese mountaineer has led an expedition to the top of Mount Everest to retrieve tons of rubbish littering the slopes of the world's highest peak. The expedition leader Ken Noguchi headed a team of Japanese and Nepali climbers returning with five hundred kilograms of tins, old tents, food and medicine left over decades by other climbers.

BBC World News.

exit poll:informal survey of voters as they leave the polling place (used as an early indicator of the outcome of the election) 投票后民调
prong :noun [C]
one of two or more long sharp points on an object, especially a fork
two-pronged/three-pronged, etc. having the stated number of prongs:
FIGURATIVE To tackle inflation the government have evolved a three-pronged strategy (= a plan that involves three ways of dealing with the problem).
Implicit: a. suggested but not communicated directly:
He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
Implicit in the poem's closing lines are the poet's own religious doubts.暗示的, 含蓄的, 固有的, 绝对的【经】 不讲明的, 含蓄的
canister: (名) 小罐; 滤毒罐; 筒