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BBC news 2007-06-01 加文本


BBC 2007-06-01


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One of the most wanted war crime suspects in the former Yugoslavia has been arrested. He's Zdravko Tolimir, a former Bosnian-Serb General who has been indicted for his alleged role in the massacre of thousands of Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995.Mr Tolimir is a close associate of the Bosnian-Serb war time army chief Ratko Mladic who is still on the run. Nickolas Walton reports.
During the Bosnian war, General Zdravko Tolimir was an intelligence officer and senior aide to General Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian-serb military commander.The indictment against him concerns the deaths of more than 7000 Muslim men and boys from the town of Th in July 1995.The killings were carried out by Bosnian-serb soldiers under the command of General Mladic ,Gerneral Tolimir is accused of helping to plan and carry out the murders which have since been internationally recognized as genocide.

President Bush has called on the world's biggest green house gas emitters to map out a new framework to tackle climate change. He has offered to convene a series of meetings to include the US ,China ,India and European countries,but offered no firm commitments. His proposal comes a week before a G8 summit expected to be dominated by climate concerns. Germany, the current president of the G8, welcome Mr. Bush's statement. The chancellor Angela Merkel said it showed the issue could not be ignored.

What is positive is that we can identify from the speech that the American president made today that nobody can ignore the question of climate change. Nor, they, the fact is that this is substantially caused by humans.This is ,so to speak, the common ground we are acting on .

Britain has rejected a claim that its intelligence services were behind a murder last November of the former Russian KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London,Andrei Lugovoi who has been sought by Britain in connection with the murder told a news conference in Moscow that the British secret intelligence service MI6 and the exiled Russian businessman Boris Berezovsky were involved in the killing. His brother Maxim that Mr Lugovoi’s claims were absurd,
This idea makes me laugh.I don't know with what courage he can accuse even the British government now.I think it is absurd. We’ve all seen the evidence collected in the place that linked with Germany .I don't think this was all made up.

A new draft resolution on an independent Kosovo has been presented to the United Nation's Security Council by the United States and the European Union. The BBC's correspondent at the UN said it is substantially the same as the previous draft, except that it replaces the word endorses with supports and reference to a report by the special UN envoy to Kosovo which outline the plan for Kosovo autonomy.

World news from the BBC.

Norway has resumed direct aid to the Palestinian authority,the only western nation to do so since the American and Europeans imposed financial boycott on the Palestinians after the militant Hamas movement came to power last year. The Norwegian government has sent 10 million dollars to the Hamas- led unity movement to be used solely for paying the salaries of government workers.

Police in the United States have arrested a man who was accused of being responsible for huge amounts of junk emails on the internet. Officials say 27-year-old Alan Saloway who was arrested in Seattle , probably sent millions of junk email messages or spam to unknown users every day. David Willes reports.

Mr Saloway has been charged with multiple counts of email fraud and identity theft. And the case is thought to be the first in America in which prosecutors have used identity theft statutes in order to prosecute a so-called cyber-crime. But in order to gain a conviction they must first educate the jury on the technology involved in sending spam. And because there is no precedent, they are uncertain what sort of sentence he might face or would he be found guilty.

The Nicaraguan health authorities have seized 40,000 tubes of a Chinese made toothpaste which contains a chemical blamed for the deaths of at least 50 people in Panama last year. Nicaragua is the latest country in the region to take action after an investigations into the deaths in Panama found that shipments of the brand of toothpaste were tainted with the chemical.

In cases part of a list of recent industrial contamination scandals involving Chinese exports to a number of countries in the Americas.

And 15 people have been killed in attacks in southern Tailand, 10 were soldiers. killed when a road side bomb hit their truck, and five were villagers shot dead in an ambush at a mosque.Over 2,200 people have been killed in an insurgency in a Muslim dominated southern region since 2004.

BBC World News.