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BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.
Three main opposition parties in Venezuela have been told they can't fill presidential candidates in next year's election. President Nicolas Maduro said only the minor opposition parties which participated in Sunday's Municipal elections would be allowed to nominate candidate to be the head of the state.
委内瑞拉三个主要反对党已被告知不能在明年的选举中填补总统候选人的席位空缺。尼古拉斯•马杜罗总统(Nicolas Maduro)表示只有参加了周日市政府选举的少数反对党派才将被允许提名为国家首脑候选人。

Efforts to contain ongoing wildfires in southern California are focusing on a blaze which's threatened the city of Santa Barbara. The Thomas fire, as it's known has become one of the largest in the state's history. It's damaged the area greater than that of New York City.

For the first time, financial products based on the Bitcoin digital currency have begun trading on major U.S exchange. Price for Bitcoin future's contracts rose in early trading although the exchange website experiences technical problems attributed to heavy use demand.

The Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte has asked congress to extend martial law for another year in the southern province of Mindanao. The emergency measure was initially imposed in May in response to an assault by Islamic militants in the city of Malawi.
菲律宾总统罗德里戈•杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)已要求国会将棉兰老岛南部省份的戒严令延期一年。该应急措施最初于五月实施,以应对马拉维市伊斯兰激进分子的袭击。

India's opposition congress party will officially name Rahul Gandhi as its new leader today. Mr. Gandhi, who is 47 will succeed his mother Sonia as party's president, becoming the 6th member of his family to host the post.

A citizen of Uzbekistan is due to go on trial in Turkey today, charged with killing 39 people in a gun grenade attack on a night club in Istanbul last New Year's day. The authorities say Abdulkadir Masharipov confessed to the massacre after he was arrested 17 days later.
一名乌兹别克斯坦公民将于今日在土耳其接受审讯,该嫌疑犯被控告于去年元旦在伊斯坦布尔的一家夜店持枪弹杀害39人。当局表示,事发17天后,阿卜杜勒•卡迪尔•马沙里波夫(Abdulkadir Masharipov)被捕并承认其屠杀罪行。

President Mauricio Macri of Argentina has opened the meeting of the World Trade Organization in Buenos Aires with an appeal for the rules-based system to be strengthened, what's seen as a seemly well attack on protectionism. Mr. Macri criticized what he called the primacy of national interest.
阿根廷总统毛里西奥•马克里(Mauricio Macri)在布宜诺斯艾利斯召开世界贸易组织大会,呼吁加强规则体系,此举被视为对贸易保护主义的有力抨击。马克里总统批评了其所说的利益至上原则。

BBC news.