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BBC news with Nick Kelly.

The US Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden has tried to clarify comments in which he appeared to rule out testifying at Donald Trump's impeachment trial. Mr. Biden told reporters in Iowa that he would always comply with legitimate requests from congress. He was criticized when he indicated on Friday that he wouldn't obey any order from Congress to give evidence.

Somalia's President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has said that a bomb attack which killed more than 70 people in Mogadishu was attempted to demoralize the Somali people. No one has admitted carrying out the attack, but suspicion has fallen on Al-Shabaab militants.

Samoa has lifted the state of emergency declared last month in response to a measle epidemic. Doctors say a compulsory vaccination campaign is working. More than 80 people have died during the outbreak, most of them children.

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says thousands of volunteer firefighters in New South Wales will be offered compensation for loss of earnings. Those working in small and medium size private sector businesses can apply for just over 200 dollars per day for up to 20 days. Those in the public sector have already been promised four weeks paid leave.

Doctors in the Syrian province of Idlib say their hospitals are full and they lack the resources needed to cope with nearly a quarter of million people displaced by the latest fighting. They fled an offensive by Russian-backed Syrian government forces.

Dutch prosecutors say a woman who spent the past six years in Syria has been detained on arrival at Amsterdam Airport. Her four-year-old daughter has been taken into care. Earlier, Turkey says it deported two Dutch nationals described them as Islamist State fighters.

And the English Premier League football club West Ham has sacked their manager Manuel Pellegrini. The announcement was made shortly after the team lost 2:1 to Leicester.

BBC news.